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[SM-Admin] Source Mage Project Lead Report - Update!
- From: "Eric Schabell M.Sc." <eschabell AT>
- To: sm-admin AT
- Subject: [SM-Admin] Source Mage Project Lead Report - Update!
- Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 18:57:40 +0100
Howdy all!
Has been a busy month for all of us here in the Source Mage Valley...
with the following update I hope to bring you up to date on our project.
We have just had our monthly admin meeting at which a few major points where
discussed and from which I would like to bring you the highlights. For all the
gory play-by-play details, see the wiki log:
We took a few minutes to look back on experiences (good or bad) related to our
v0.5 release and the reactions were minimal. This leads me to believe we made
through without alot of pain or problems! Job well done to all.
The various Team Leads (or representatives) reported as follows:
Security Report.
- M_L helping out with security fixes.
- o4ek helping out.
- warning/log security stuff in sorcery.
- Belxjander working on firewall stuff.
- pgp key collection of developers.
- need to update wiki log for security.
- more discussion needed on chrooting.
- new security section in grimoire to be created.
ISO Report.
- iso base part has been stripped down to basics.
- low showed interest in installer, will have him contact
Kinetix to coordinate.
- docs in wiki to be filled out... small start has been made?
Web Report.
- should be setup after this meeting.
- looking at bug from M_L about wiki being too open.
- mirroring of website
Sorcery Report.
- new stable release every 15th of month.
- current release is 1.0.2
- new team members.
- refactoring of locking w/o lockexec planned.
Tome Report.
- docs on php and web in progress.
- is in effect, setup in progress.
* Project Lead reporting.
- CVS machine reving up.
- Please update logs...
- Assist. PL? voting positions? when? [after 1.0]
- Roadmap on wiki for 1.0.
[no sorcery rewrite... will be refactoring]
As you might have noticed, no Grimoire Report was made, not much to tell
that they are doing the usual great job keeping our spells up to date. Please
don't take our Guru's for granted and feel free to give them a pat on the
shoulder if you see one wandering around the Source Mage Valley! ;-)
I have also put forth for discussion on voting for postitions as we are now
about a year further down the road. Seen the path we have to go up to 1.0 it
decided to postpone these elections until our v1.0 release.
A discussion was held and decision made to rename the Sorcery re-write to a
Sorcery Refactoring. The depends improvements worked out by dufflebunk have
given vast improvements over the previous versions of Sorcery and locking is
next planned refactor candidate... stay tuned for more.
I have update the wiki Roadmap to 1.0 to reflect these changes. We need a new
Assist. PL to lead the refactoring project and to help me out with part of the
load here... keep your eye's open for possible candidates please!
CVS is still in the works, last word is that box is almost ready but policy
still be written on how it will be accessed, keep your fingers crossed!
A new team (or it might become a sub-team of ISO) has been formed by modivated
developers, see the org chart on wiki for the Cauldron Team. They will focus
writing us a completely new installer to be used on the ISO Team's ISO...
is that recursive? ;-)
New information in the form of a HowTo has been posted to the wiki for
our download site, two new mirrors have been setup by o4ek and niki (our Lunar
It was decided to have our release dates as noted on the wiki Roadmap to 1.0
be the friday after our meetings (friday after the last sunday of the month).
This will give us time to hash out any problems at the meeting and five days
sort them out.
Swoolley and o4ek researching iso building spell, this seems to be rather
complex but doable... more next month!
That about does it for now.... if you have any comments feel free to place
here or mail me privately.
* Eric Schabell M.Sc.
* web:
* SourceMage:
* Shopping:
* (#sourcemage)
* nick -> erics
[SM-Admin] Source Mage Project Lead Report - Update!,
Eric Schabell M.Sc., 04/07/2003
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [SM-Admin] Source Mage Project Lead Report - Update!, Eric Schabell, 04/20/2003
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