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pleurothallid-l - [pleurothallid-l] Natural growing conditions

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  • From: marcus <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [pleurothallid-l] Natural growing conditions
  • Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 13:06:56 -0300

I have a small ranch in southeastern Brasil, about 20 acres of native rain forest of altitude, with araucaria trees, close to Atlantic coast. It's climate is cold for brasilian standards, having a minimum temp. of -3º C in winters and medium temp in summers +25ºC, > 2500mm rain well distributed annually, with misty mornings, 1000 m above sea level, separated 20 miles from the sea by a mountainous sierra.
In the forest occour (I never say that the forest or the orchids are mine - they happen to be in my proprety) plenty of native Pleurothallis, Octomeria, Maxilaria, Stelis, Barbosela, Masdevalia, Leptotes, Epidendrum, Zygophetalum. - I've counted up to now, in 8 years, 50 different species - and some terrestrial too.
As soon as the rain and wind drop them from the trees my employee or I return them to the trees but at a sight level. I work 500 miles from my ranch so the only way to take care of them is to let nature to take care of. I'm also introducing orchids that are native of Brasil but only the ones that can stand that low winter temperature. I also take good care of fallen cactii, bromeliads, ferns, etc.
There are plenty of native animals that one way or the other can be sometimes enemies or friends of the plants: there occur porcupines, squirrels, woodpeckers, big birds, small bids, thousands of insects, moluscs, batraquia and the microscopic world. My ranch stands close to a State owned park of about 200.000 acres and there is a constant exchange of seeds, birds and even a small deer.
Hope to exchange experiences for I intend in the future to disseminate these small beauties among neighbours and friends when I make my retirement.
Marcus Rezende
PS It has been very difficult to me to count on with local orchidophile to help me to classify them - the majotity say they are not specialist in this alliance. Also need
a good photographic machine with macro lens and a good teacher to teach me the adequante lightning, aperture, focus. So far as I could see that's another kind of art: :taking photos of Pleurothallis.

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