“ARTIculture” Floral Designs and Horticulture at Burwell School, May 16-17
Posted: 16 Apr 2015 11:21 AM PDT
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fcqdDfMI4gM/VS_9GC2eHzI/AAAAAAAABXU/1cvGdsOr78A/s1600/Hillsboro.png) ARTiculture: where gardens and art flourish” is the theme for Hillsborough’s spring garden tour scheduled for May 16-17. This semi-annual event will feature 12 inspirational gardens plus many displays of art and informative sessions.
This tour promises to be so much more than just a tour of gardens! Other supporting elements will include a country tea at The Inn at Tear Drops, floral design display and horticulture show at Burwell School including a People’s Choice Awards, plant sale and garden vendors at Visitor Center, special floral art exhibit at Hillsborough Arts Council Gallery, children’s activities sponsored by library, and poet readings at historic Ayr Mount. Tea at Teardrops and interior tour of Ayr... Mount require a separate ticket.
Informative sessions expected in the various gardens will include bee keeping, composting, native plants, water features, plein air artists, proper pruning demonstrations and more!
Plant sale: • Friday, May 15, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. • At the Hillsborough Visitor’s Center, 150 E. King Street, Hillsborough.
Tour hours and information: • Saturday, May 16, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Sunday, May 17, 12 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Tour begins at the Hillsborough Visitor’s Center, 150 E. King Street, Hillsborough. • Tour Tickets ($16 advance/$20 day of event) are available online at this site, and at Hillsborough Visitor Center.
Tea at Teardrops information: • Saturday, May 16, 2 – 4 p.m. • Sunday, May 17, 2 – 4 p.m. • Tickets for the tea may be purchased by calling the Hillsborough Visitors Center at 919-732-7741 or by coming by the office located at 150 E. King Street.
Tour sponsored by Hillsborough Garden Club, the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough and Hillsborough Arts Council.