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Subject: Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion of Walker Percy
List archive
- From: Wade Riddick <wriddick AT>
- To: Walker Percy List <percy-l AT>
- Subject: [percy-l] Will Percy and the great flood of '27
- Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 03:09:48 -0500
An old book review of John Barry's _Rising Tide_. which mentions Will Percy
and the flood of 1927.
[percy-l] Will Percy and the great flood of '27,
Wade Riddick, 09/06/2005
[percy-l] N.O. Hurricane,
Teresa Brader, 09/06/2005
- Re: [percy-l] N.O. Hurricane, J Rivas-Pita, 09/07/2005
[percy-l] N.O. Hurricane,
Teresa Brader, 09/06/2005
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