Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From:
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- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Removing seeds & skin from fruits
- Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 23:37:49 EDT
In a message dated 10/24/2009 8:27:05 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
He must know something that I don't because, it has been my experience
with the Villaware Food Strainer that the finer it is the more likely it is
to plug up. I get it plugged up most often when I try to run a batch
through for a second time.
Hi Jim,
There are differences with between brands, but not much. Once when I called Squezzo who have a metal scroll they said they didn't want their users to use it for pulping persimmons. Yep, that's what they said. The difference in our experiences Jim is I've cut

two turns off the end of the scroll as pictured. Additionally I can run the seeds from the first press through the second time and get more pulp. It is darker in color, but sugar measurements of the second run are almost equal to the first. Yes, it occasionally plugs but one reverse turn usually clears it.
There is a problem with long term use. The screen is spot welded to the mounting ring. With the larger seeds there is flexing or movement of the screen while the ring is firmly clamped to the mount. With much use the spot welds break then a new screen must be ordered. I no longer use mine in favor of the cone colander. When all is considered it is as fast for small batches and less seed coat in the pulp because the seeds aren't rubbed against the screen.
I've experimented with a new method. I have a stainless steel hand cranked honey extractor. I've lined the center drum that spins with 1/8 inch hardware cloth. The fruit is mashed well, then poured into the center drum and the pulp is spun out. One problem is if it is spun too fast at first, the fruit mash can come out the top. But a lip would take care of that. This looks so promising that my next step will be purchase a small top loading washing machine, one where the drum can be lifted out for cleaning. Then modify the outer drum exit port such that pulp flows out the bottom. I believe spinning out the pulp would be more efficient Would need to also modify the controls such that the speed could be controlled manually. The center drums on washing machines have a top lip that would not let the mash out the top.
When I told a commercial grower in Illinois about it he said he had been thinking also of using a washing machine to spin out pulp. That grower produces several hundred pounds of pulp every fall.
[NAFEX] Removing seeds & skin from fruits,
Jim Fruth, 10/23/2009
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [NAFEX] Removing seeds & skin from fruits, Jwlehman, 10/23/2009
- [NAFEX] Removing seeds & skin from fruits, Jim Fruth, 10/24/2009
- Re: [NAFEX] Removing seeds & skin from fruits, Jwlehman, 10/24/2009
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