Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
List archive
- From: Alan Haigh <>
- To:
- Subject: [NAFEX] replant disease or just inadequate care?
- Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:45:48 -0400
I often plant apple trees in areas where apples have grown for over a hundred years- right next to the big old beauties. This is on a multitude of sites, but all in the northeast, and I've never had any problem establishing vigorous trees (except occasionally because of pine voles). If you have difficulty there could be a host of reasons besides replant issues.
Usually difficulty in establishment here is caused by the presence of nearby forest trees vigorously competing for water and everything else they need. Supplementary water and fertilizer is not always a satisfactory answer and sometimes aggressive and deep root pruning of competing trees is necessary. This should be done in spring and sometimes must be repeated for 2 or 3 seasons. When you are installing trees always be aware of the presence of tree roots- where ever they are cut they will regrow with a vengeance.
If you're inexperienced you may not know to eliminate all grass and weed competition from at least a 3' radius from base of tree. This is most essential until about mid-July here. If trees are stressed for water any time before mid-summer you are asking for runts for sure.
[NAFEX] replant disease or just inadequate care?,
Alan Haigh, 04/16/2009
Re: [NAFEX] replant disease or Armillarea?,
Kieran &/or Donna, 04/30/2009
- Re: [NAFEX] replant disease or Armillarea?, Ginda Fisher, 04/30/2009
Re: [NAFEX] replant disease or Armillarea?,
Kieran &/or Donna, 04/30/2009
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