Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From: Sarah Kehler Ewing <>
- To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Grafting--parafilm & rubber bands
- Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 07:55:14 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Kathy,
Hope your arm gets better soon (my mom just did the same thing: you type
I will put a cheque in the mail today: I just wanted to touch base before I
just sent off some money!
Thank-you for your quick response,
Sarah Ewing
Pipestone, AB
--- On Wed, 4/8/09, <> wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Grafting--parafilm & rubber bands
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 1:58 PM
> In a message dated 4/8/2009
> 7:31:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Now I use parafilm. It looks like it might be strong
> enough to bind the graft, as well as protect it from
> evaporation, but it's not. Every graft save one
> bud graft that I tried that way has failed. But if I
> bind the graft with a rubber band and then wrap parafilm
> over it I've had good luck.
> Ji Gina, etl,
> Absolutely use a grafting rubber then cover. Even with whip
> & tongue it can be difficult to keep the scion lined up
> perfectly with the understock. Lock first the band on the
> understock then wrap upwards catching the very bottom of the
> scion on the second wrap thus holding it in alignment.
> Don't be afraid of pulling the rubber too tight. But be
> prepared to cut the band after it takes to prevent
> girdling.
> Had someone call me the other day asking why his success
> rate was very low. He was using masking tape only then
> covering with a plastic bag to hold in moisture. It is very
> difficult to maintain alignment w/o the rubber. Even a plain
> old rubber band works, but must be cut later as they
> normally don't deteriorate as fast. Proper alignment is
> vital, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
> There are always exceptions and one is apple. There
> alignment isn't nearly as important as walnut &
> pecan.
> As for storing the Parafilm in the frig, a 250 foot roll
> can last for years. Over a long period of time, say two
> years, it can dry out along the edges loosing it's
> elasticity. You are right, in the lab where a roll us used
> up more quickly refrigeration isn't necessary.
> Jerry
> PS. I've experminted on persimmon using larger grafting
> rubbers and pulling it as tight as I can w/o breaking it.
> The grafts took.
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Re: [NAFEX] Grafting--parafilm & rubber bands,
Jwlehman, 04/08/2009
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [NAFEX] Grafting--parafilm & rubber bands, Sarah Kehler Ewing, 04/08/2009
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