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nafex - [NAFEX] ahhh...he's modest

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Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio

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  • From: "fuwa fuwa usagi" <>
  • To: <>
  • Subject: [NAFEX] ahhh...he's modest
  • Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:32:06 -0700

It was written:

> Deb,
> Excellent apple as grown here in coastal ME, Zone 5.
> Richard
> Gouldsboro, ME

My reply:

My dear friend is being modest. I travel a might, so over the years I have
had the opportunity to sample HoneyCrisp from all over and Richard has been
nice enough to ship a few of his from time to time, and he produces excellent
apples. I wish I lived closer so I could "poach" his orchard at night.

That being said all zone 5 HoneyCrisp are not alike within the same year in
different locations. In my local they are sadly hit or miss. This "seems"
to have a bit to do with the temps as they mature, and some years we are
still ungoshly hot, others years delightfully cool but I don't know. It
certainly would make a good study.

All the best,

the fluffy bunny

P.S. hello edwardo...fluffy still loves ya' :)

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  • [NAFEX] ahhh...he's modest, fuwa fuwa usagi, 09/30/2007

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