Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From:
- To:
- Subject: [NAFEX] Kaki drying racks in Japan
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 23:39:28 EST
Dear list members,
In Japan, here is a variety of Kaki persimmon called Shujo or Shijo. It is a variety for sun drying only. I have eaten these dried persimmons and they taste something between Indian dried jaggery and chocolates.
The drying is done on a very large scale. Here is a picture of cut fruits being on all round the house for dying. I found these dried persimmon very tasty and liked them
Dr. Chiranjit Parmar
186/3 Jail Road
Mandi HP 175 001
Phone: 01905-222810 Fax: 01905-225419

[NAFEX] Kaki drying racks in Japan,
Jwlehman, 11/29/2004
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [NAFEX] Kaki drying racks in Japan, David W Hausmann, 11/30/2004
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