Subject: Mounted search and rescue
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Re: [MSAR] [MSAR-IL] EHV-1 Outbreak, missing link..
- From:
- To:
- Subject: Re: [MSAR] [MSAR-IL] EHV-1 Outbreak, missing link..
- Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 16:16:08 -0500 (CDT)
Reports from various doctors, like Pasteur, Gorgas, and others proved vector transmission. Bet she believes
in creationsism and immaculate conception too.
in creationsism and immaculate conception too.
Get vaccinated.
Irv Lichtenstein
May 18, 2011 01:38:42 PM, wrote:
May 18, 2011 01:38:42 PM, wrote:
Regarding prior post.. this link should have been attatched..Sorry the link did not attach.. here it is.. (again?!) for "continued reading."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One for the books...Nothing to do with the above, but in other news... (If this does not make you...A- CringeB - HappyC- Want a second opinionI was just informed by a "humane society volunteer" that horses dont get colic from parasites, eating manure or other things improperly and that they could not get viruses from drinking the same contaminated water...Anyone care to dispute this?When in doubt get more than one opinion and from reliable sources.The question will still always remains.. who is reliable?Good grief!Karen Nesbitt - VMSAR - Iroquois County - IL*************NOTICE*****************
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--- On Wed, 5/18/11, Karen Nesbittwrote:
From: Karen Nesbitt
Subject: [MSAR-IL] EHV-1 Outbreak
To: "MSAR", "Mounted search and rescue in Illinois USA."
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 7:34 AM
Veterinarians in several states are determining the extent of a possible equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) outbreak tied to cutting horses involved in a recent Odgen, Utah, championship show. Several animals that participated in the April 29-May 8 National Cutting Horse Association's (NCHA) Western National Championship were diagnosed with the neurologic form of the illness, and at least two horses were euthanized when their conditions deteriorated. Continue Reading...
Sorry the link was not attached.. here it is continue readingKaren Nesbitt - VMSAR - Iroqouis County - Illinois*************NOTICE*****************
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- Re: [MSAR] [MSAR-IL] EHV-1 Outbreak, missing link.., ilichten1, 05/18/2011
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