Subject: Mounted search and rescue
List archive
- From: "Ian Vowles" <>
- To: "'Mounted search and rescue'" <>
- Subject: RE: [MSAR] Employers
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 17:00:14 -0600
Title: Message
Hi and
thanks whoever sent the torrential rain / hail ..... the mud is great
Time off :
For us
it is a straightforward issue - if you have to work that comes first THEN you
are very welcome to come help for the time that you can. Some employers will
grant people time off others will not - the circumstances vary
We are
fortunate that we also tap into a pool of talent that can often ( but not always
) respond by virtue of owning their own businesses ( so they are their own
bosses ! ) or are retired ! That said we will always be able to field
more people over a weekend than on a Wednesday .... the paid professionals and
the volunteers that they can gather assist until the other volunteers can
make it. Most of us are unpaid volunteers not paid LE, EMS or Fire
real issue for us is the lives of our team mates - a one off emergency most
employers will accept and help with , a recurring situation is imposing on
them and they may not be able to accommodate the time off request - if that
happens to one of ours we do not think badly of the person nor would they be
penalized in any way , their life and well being far exceed that of any subject.
But we are sure glad to see them come Friday night !!
thing I was taught in my early days was simply this - it is the subjects
emergency not mine ! - remember that in all you do , job one is your safety /
welfare , job two is your team mates then and only then does the subject get
consideration - I remember this mantra when I drive to the ICP , when I deploy
on a hasty team , when I face a dangerous terrain issue.... it also affects my
thinking when deciding if I am available or not , sometimes I will respond with
a limited time commitment because life cannot always be re-scheduled
I do
not know of , and would be doubtful about , any law that provides for time
off for anything outside of the National Guard or Reserves - how you would
administer it boggles the mind !
luck with your own situation - we tell all our potential clients they should
schedule their getting lost for Friday - Sunday for best service :-)
<VBG> ( Over half our missions in 5 years have fitted that
profile )
Unit A - Mounted
[MSAR] Employers,
glazejk, 08/02/2003
- RE: [MSAR] Employers, Ian Vowles, 08/02/2003
Re: [MSAR] Employers,
bonnie elster, 08/02/2003
- Re: [MSAR] Employers, Jorene Downs, 08/05/2003
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