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Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: Willie McKemie <mf AT>
- To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
- Subject: Re: [Market-farming] WiFi recommendations?
- Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 20:03:01 -0500
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 05:28:45PM -0400, Beth Spaugh wrote:
> Anyone have a WiFi router to recommend that has god outdoor range? I am
> trying
> to use a phone to keep track of things this year. Tempted to just dig out
> my
> old HP IPaq since the good apps on both the iPhone and the Droid need data
> access. Am keeping cell phone costs minimal (prepaid) since we don?t have
> good
> voice coverage, but am going to have to bite the bullet and buy a WiFi
> router.
> Max range needed is 200 feet south, 1000 feet east through a few trees and
> downhill, Can put in a 2^nd floor southeast room in front of window.
There is a wide variety of pretty cheap hardware available to extend
wifi. If you have power at both ends, you can do a rock solid setup
for around $200. If not, you will most likely need at least a
directional antenna on your internet end. Something like this can
work in both situations:
For consumer quality stuff, I recommend products that will run
DDWRT/Tomato. Search for "ddwrt" on eBay. Typical routers go as low
as about $20. Though they are called "routers", you are interested in
the access point, bridge, and repeater functions.
Willie, ONWARD! Through the fog! Linux registered user #228836 since 1995
Debian3.1/GNU/Linux system uptime 61 days 14 hours 17 minutes
[Market-farming] WiFi recommendations?,
Beth Spaugh, 05/20/2012
- Re: [Market-farming] WiFi recommendations?, Etienne Goyer, 05/20/2012
- Re: [Market-farming] WiFi recommendations?, Willie McKemie, 05/20/2012
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