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market-farming - [Market-farming] employee incentives

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: Burke Farm <burkefarm AT>
  • To: market-farming AT
  • Subject: [Market-farming] employee incentives
  • Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 12:52:01 -0500

Hi Dale, and everyone else,

We have a market & CSA farm. And 1 employee. And limited funds.
What I did this year was to pay the employee minimum wage, but offer
the possibility of an end of season bonus based on the overall
profitability of our farm. In a system as small as ours, this makes
sense because that one employee makes an enormous difference in the

I know there are non-employee factors in farm profitability, but felt
the risk of a disastrous year was low. And it appears we will be able
to pay out a well-deserved bonus this year.

Lisa Burke
Farming Engineers LLC
z5 Central IN

  • [Market-farming] employee incentives, Burke Farm, 11/11/2011

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