Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 8:57
Subject: Re: [Market-farming] "organic":
actual USDA regulations
that's what they always say just charge your
customers more money . same old same old. I love my customers . if
you don't like it just quit being organic no one is forcing you to be
organic. I tried to raise my prices this year for the first time in
20 years and it worked out ok. but I did not like it and the
customer does not like it . It is too bad that the customer has to
suffer because he buys organic food in the pocket book but you are right not
only does the farmer have to pay but also the customer has to be charged
more. so you are helping take tons of pesticides off the land and are
clean natural farming but every one that handles you crop even the processor
has to be certified and pay for the same crop I pay to have certified what a
game they double tax organic food and then some. they really
like to sock it to the organic folks for not wanting to buy their poison
stuff. they let tons of poison food come in no one checks and there are
lots of people on the kidney machines there are super bugs from to much
antibiotics being feed to the food people eat yet they can check me every year
for the same old trees and I use nothing. It take the state and the certifier
and he inspector just to check little old me out and I use nothing and I have
trees in same place the only thing that changes is the calendar year what is
with that. they get to all line up and get my money because we went from
06 to 07. they took a grass roots dream and turned it into a
bureaucratic nightmare. the charge my processor just for packing
it overcharge the customer just to buy organic still we grow 20 percent every
year. not because of the USDA but in spite of the USDA because as USDA
are taking our money they are releasing GMO that are destroying organic
food. you know you can plant organic corn and end up with GMO corn
thanks to the USDA they release gene dna altered life forms and they can not
control that life. Organic growers have taken tons of poison off the
land out of our streams and out of our ground water we are cleaning the
air yet what do we get a organic tax. how can they charge us so much
money for what we are not doing. if you don't use poison and tell
someone your crop is organic they make you pay every year till u either get
big or get out. they have it backward they should be rewarding organic
grower and making it easy for folks to buy organic food but noooo they make it
easy for you to buy poison food from who know where with who know what is in
it. I heard antifreeze every band antibiotic yet no one is checking
them. why should I pay for using nothing and still have to compete with
folks that don't pay anyone they are bring cheep food in from all over and
they say just raise my price. If I do raise my price I need that money
are u nuts.? I have been against the USDA program supporting corn and
bean farmers that dump tons of stuff on the earth release tons of living GMOs
and fight and regulate the farmers that help the earth. give me some of
that money but no they take my money because I am a organic farmer.
where is the level playing field. we pay they don't they use
poison I don't that is why I pay. what is with that. you think
food is safe forgetabout it. read the news. check out insecticide
in baby food , u go to the doc with a small sore and they end up cutting off
your leg because of supper bugs that have gotten use to antibiotics
fed to your food . I can go on and on but the just charge your
customers more money is what they always say or just don't say your organic
and get out the business that is always their ans. while the bleed the
turnips. it is worse than the mafia. I think the mafia won and they
are the government and this is just extortion.they handle the gambling
,numbers running lottery loan sharking and extortion. . the mafia won
they are the government. . its bullshit. they can steal my
money or force me to pay or get out and I can just quit being a organic farmer
that is the choice. the USDA are forcing a lot of small organic
growers out of organic and safe food and forcing customer away because of
price what is with that .how is that fair . the USDA should be supporting organic growers
that are taking tons of poison off the earth instead of taking our money for
doing what is right. the whole USDA is wrong supporting the wrong
stuff and taxing the wrong folks and paying the wrong folks say did you hear
the USDA are paying dead folks for farming yet charging me. their whole
set up is wrong from school to farm payouts . they have to change
if they want a safe earth and safe food like they say they want.
they should be paying me for the way I farm not taking my hard earned money
because it is helping the whole earth. our taxes should be going to
things that help the earth not corn syrup that kills people and GMO that are
changing life on earth as we know it. what the Usda is doing now is not
supporting the good stuff and supporting the bad stuff. and I feel that
charging the customers more money and just not saying I am organic is not the
ans. it is part of the problem. why should I have to give up my
right of free speech and right to unwarranted searches and my right to
farm because I grow organic and want to tell the whole world. so
don't give me that just charge more money or just don't say your
organic . if you want to clean a stream up you start at the
top of the stream . if the top of the stream is dirty the whole stream is
dirty and in this case the top of the food stream is the USDA you
have to clean that up if you want a clean food stream. the USDA is
a revolving door for the big money chemical and dna folks clean that up if you
want clean food don't tax the folks trying to clean it up on our own and make
our life harder. just charge your customers more money thats your
idea. don't get me
started. \!!!!
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:00
Subject: Re: [Market-farming]
"organic": actual USDA regulations
say it an't so joe
It is true if you want to use the word organic you have to be certified and
inspected and pay every year to prove you are telling the truth. I have
been organic for over 25 years and have paid to be inspected every year and
have paid the state and have paid the certifier every year .
Do you make it back from your customers? If you don't, can you charge
more and still
keep your client base?
Market-farming AT
Market-farming AT