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market-farming - [Market-farming] Nov 14 Conference focuses on Holistic Biological Management of Wine Grapes

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  • From: Allan Balliett <igg AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: [Market-farming] Nov 14 Conference focuses on Holistic Biological Management of Wine Grapes
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 08:10:08 -0500

Friends - Sorry for the late notice on this one. On a normal year, a
conference of this quality with acclaimed European speakers would
have been filled (Man, maybe it's that anti-France thing!!) during
early bird rates, but I've still got plenty of room right now.

If you are interested in any level of biological viticulture, this
conference is a must. If you are interested in biological/biodynamic
farming in general, these speakers will give you a clear
understanding of how the principles are applied to a hi-value crop.
Once you know the principles, you have the power to apply them to
other crops.

If you have any questions, please contact me, Allan Balliett
igg AT or 304 876-3382.

Extension agents (and everyone), please pass this to your lists.
Currently, we have attendees from all over the country, I don't
think anyone who understands what this speaker list offers will
exclude themselves due to distance.

Looking forward to seeing you next weekend!

-Allan Balliett
Biodynamics Now!
The International Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion Group

Biodynamic Viticulture

The 9th Annual Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference

November 14-16, 2003 at Leesburg Holiday Inn (Virginia)


Nicolas Joly

Philippe Armenier

Bob Schaffer

Mark Trela

And moreŠŠ

Presented by Gardening for the Future with Support from The
Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics and Loudoun
Commercial Horticulture Program

Info at:

Background Emphasizing the essence of terroir brings forth the
individuality of soil and microclimate. It is this individuality
that creates a demand for quality wines from small vineyards.
Biodynamics is ideally suited for promoting these unique qualities.

Particularly suited to the task of achieving a magnificent wine,
biodynamics acts with subtlety, allowing

wine to give expression to the personality of the soil, a soil which
in turn gives expression to the forces of the atmosphere and cosmos.
from the back cover of Wine from Sky to Earth by Nicolas Joly

entirely by registration fees. For this reason, we request that you
register as early as possible to support our efforts in a very
practical fashion.

CONFERENCE FEE: Conference fee is $150 after October 15.
Pre-registration is encouraged. Early Payment is appreciated.

LOCATION: Holiday Inn Leesburg, VA. 70mi from Washington DC and 20
min. from Dulles Airport.

RESERVATION/PAYMENT: To make reservations: Call (304) 876-3382 or
email info AT or send your check, made out
to: "MABFFC2003" to MABFFC, POB 3047, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.
Payment can be by check or by credit card (credit cards only via
PayPal id: igg AT Checks or Cash only at the
door (No credit cards at the door.)

Late breaking information is at our web page:

QUESTIONS? Contact Allan Balliett at
<mailto:info AT>info AT

Holiday Inn Leesburg, 703-771-9200, 1500 East Market Street,
Leesburg, VA 20176

Rooms Blocked Until October 31 at special Rate of $69 - as
Biodynamic Viticulture Conference


From Leesburg, Take Route 7 East toward Tyson's Corner. The Hotel
is on the left - 1.5 miles past interchange with Route 15 Bypass.
Note: a U-turn is required to enter the conference center at River
Creek Parkway, if you pass Route 659 (Bellmont Ridge Road) you
passed it.

From Washington, DC, From Interstate 495 Take Route 7 West to
Leesburg. The Hotel is on the right - approx. 20 miles. Hotel is
just before Route 15 at Leesburg.

Tentative Agenda (subject to change)

Friday Nov. 14

10:30am to 12:30pm - Dr. Michael Glenn and Dr. Jerzy Nowak

2:00pm to 5:00pm - Phillipe Armenier And Hugh Courtney

7:00pm to 9:00pm - Hugh Lovel

Saturday Nov. 15

8:30am to 4:30pm - Nicolas Joly

7:00pm to 9:00pm - Wine Reception Featuring a Selection of
Biodynamic Wines (please also bring a bottle from a Winery Near you)

Sunday Nov 16

8:30am to 12:30pm - Bob Schaffer and Mark Trela

*Conference will offer Light Fare for Breakfast Daily, Coffee,
Water, Juices, Sodas, Cookies. Lunch and Dinner will not be
provided. Holiday Inn will offer its own Buffet for a charge, and
dinning options will be handed out at the conference.

The Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference
Post Office Box 3047, Shepherdstown, WV
304.876-3382 / info AT


NICOLAS JOLY is best known in the U.S. as author of the ACRES USA
book, Wine from Sky to Earth: A Growers Appreciation of Biodynamic
Wine. He is commonly given credit as the international popularizer
of biodynamic viticulture. Wines produced under his management have
consistently received rave reviews from critics like Robert Parker.
Mr. Joly will be conducting a full-day workshop on Whys and Hows of
biodynamic viticulture, an incredible opportunity for any
viticulturist interested in consistently producing - - even in
difficult years - - wines of value and character.

PHILIPPE ARMENIER grew up in a French vineyard. He made his first
wine in 1973. He started growing grapes biodynamically in 1989. He
has received many accolades for his work at Domaine De Marcoux,
which he owned with his sister, and for the wines produced there,
known as Chateauneu-du-Pape. A few years ago he sold his interest in
Domaine De Marcoux and currently lives and works in Santa Rosa
California where he consults for 9 vineyards in California, Oregon
and Washington. Pierre came to us highly recommended by the Alan
York, former president of the Biodynamic Association and the
foremost US-born biodynamic vineyard consultant in the U.S.

BOB SHAFFER is co-founder of Soil Culture Consulting, has 30 years
experience as an organic farmer and is a consultant for the
production of premium quality wine grapes in Sonoma and Napa
Counties, as well as other high value crops in California and
Hawaii. Since 1989 Soil Culture Consulting has provided practical,
effective information and hands-on assistance for farms in
transition to sustainable organic agriculture, on thousands of
vineyard acres. Bob Shaffer is certified by the American Society of
Agronomy, served as president of the North Coast Chapter of
California Certified Organic Farmers from 1997-2001 and is currently
instructor for cover crops for vineyards, in the Department of
Viticulture and Winery Technology, at Napa Valley College. In
November in Virginia, Bob will discuss cover crops from a whole farm
perspective including soil biology, soil physics and how the cover
crop interelates with wine quality.

HUGH COURTNEY, (The Josephine Porter Institute) Hugh makes most of
the high quality BD preps used in America. Brewer of the Pfeiffer
Field Spray and Pfeiffer Compost Starter. He will teach you how to
use them!

HUGH LOVEL (Union Agricultural Institute) America's foremost teacher
and demonstrator of Cosmiculture and author of A Biodynamic Farm for
Growing Healthy Vegetables. Hugh will deliver an in-depth
introduction to biodynamics on Friday evening.

BOB SHAFFER is co-founder of Soil Culture Consulting, has 30 years
experience as an organic farmer and is a consultant for the
production of premium quality wine grapes in Sonoma and Napa
Counties, as well as other high value crops in California and
Hawaii. Since 1989 Soil Culture Consulting has provided practical,
effective information and hands-on assistance for farms in
transition to sustainable organic agriculture, on thousands of
vineyard acres. Bob Shaffer is certified by the American Society of
Agronomy, served as president of the North Coast Chapter of
California Certified Organic Farmers from 1997-2001 and is currently
instructor for cover crops for vineyards, in the Department of
Viticulture and Winery Technology, at Napa Valley College. In
November in Virginia, Bob will discuss cover crops from a whole farm
perspective including soil biology, soil physics and how the cover
crop interelates with wine quality.

Dr. JERZY NOWAK is a professor and Head of the Department of
Horticulture, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. His research focuses on
the enhancement plants (including grapes) tolerance to stresses
using natural plant allies, beneficial bacteria. Technology
development for sustainable agriculture and landscape management,
based on "priming" plant propagules, the planting site, and
"precision" management of the rhizosphere, is the ultimate goals of
his program. He also initiated and implemented "Organic
Horticulture" program at Virginia Tech.

Dr. MICHAEL GLENN is a Soil Scientist at the USDA-ARS-Appalachian
Fruit Research Station near Kearneysville, WV. Dr. Glenn's research
mission is to develop technology that will make the U.S. fruit
grower more efficient and competitive in both the global market and
the regional market. These new technologies focus on sustainable
techniques with novel or reduced inputs into the fruit production
system that improve fruit quality. In Dr. Glenn's 20 years of
research he has developed new irrigation technology and demonstrated
the cost effectiveness of tree fruit irrigation in the humid eastern
U.S. Dr. Glenn developed the killed sod system of tree establishment
that is standard throughout the eastern U.S. Dr. Glenn is one of the
inventors of particle film technology, of which, Surround Crop
Protectant, is the first commercial product. Surround Crop
Protectant is a general insect repellant and a heat reflectant that
is used worldwide in horticultural production systems.

STEVE STORCH Steve is a farm advisor for JPI and is well known for
the biodynamic stirring equipment he fabricates. He has much
experience consulting on biodynamics for vineyards on Long Island.

MARK TRELA designed and installed a 7-acre biodynamic vineyard in
New Harmony, Indiana. Located on the Wabash River, his successful
vineyard has been subject to the same disease pressures experience
in Mid-Atlantic vineyards. Mark will share his experiences on
building and managing this vineyard.

Jason D. Murray
Commercial Horticulturist
Loudoun Cooperative Extension
30-B Catoctin Circle SE
Leesburg, VA 20175
<mailto:jamurray AT>jamurray AT

  • [Market-farming] Nov 14 Conference focuses on Holistic Biological Management of Wine Grapes, Allan Balliett, 11/05/2003

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