market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: "Brian and Jacqueline Potzkai" <potzkai AT>
- To: market-farming AT
- Subject: Re: motivation
- Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 08:16:12 -0700
From: "Liz Pike" <liz AT>
Working on an article--what was your motivation to start market farming??
What were your first steps in getting started??
Ok Liz - this will be a laugh. The straw that broke the camels back for getting us motivated in market farming was that my hubby was advised to "get her on a farm if you want to save your marriage". I'm a born and raised farm girl - he's a city boy. We came to a middle ground by leasing land and starting the garden, while living on the outskirts of a large city (the city drives me nuts!).
My mom called me up about a listing in the paper of land for lease - it was the first one that we looked at and it was everything we wanted, great soil, ideal location, irrigation in place (lot's of fixing needed though), mature fruit and nut trees, raspberries and strawberries established but old. Last year our best investment was a rototiller bought in July, wish we had it sooner, when we took the place over the weeds from the previous year were bigger than us. We had to hire a neighbouring farmer to come in and till the land with his tractor, the weeds were just too envasive. When the crops started to come in I made a visit on the weekend to the local farmers market and came back to tell my hubby that we had to do it. The atmosphere was so festive and everybody that left the market was carrying something out.
Marriage was saved and we've never looked back!! Jacqueline
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Liz Pike, 05/30/2001
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: motivation, Brian and Jacqueline Potzkai, 05/30/2001
- Re: motivation, wakely11, 05/30/2001
- Re: motivation, Brian and Jacqueline Potzkai, 05/31/2001
- Re: motivation, Marie Kamphefner, 05/31/2001
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