How is this rule in other states? How closely are you
who are organic monitored when it comes to proper composting of manure
etc: Kathy
We are organic, not certified - under
$5000. I use a little bit of cold composted manure and bedding - that
left for a year. My animals are wormed with diatamaceous earth. My
animals are fed organic grains which come from an organic grain mill across
the state. The fellow that owns it is most knowledgeable about nutrition
and rations, and my animals have been thriving since I started using it many
years ago. But mostly, I use earthworm castings. The African
earthworms are fed Wisconsin bog dirt and a bit of grains. The red
wrigglers are fed garden and kitchen scraps, as well as an occasional
treat of manure. In addition I use azomite, sea kelp, and
greensand for amendments. I also sow legume cover crops.
I am starting to make compost using the
hot compost method, but am not confident that I have it down - I am trying to
make some compost and then strain it for my African earthworms - to see
whether that will work for them. I haven't tried giving it to them