market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: "Ava Devenport" <essenheal AT>
- To: market-farming AT
- Subject: Fwd: SBIR-ALERT - May 12, 2000
- Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 09:16:18 PDT
From: "richard fowler" <richard.fowler AT>
Reply-To: "SBIR Alerting Service" <sbir-alert AT>
To: "SBIR Alerting Service" <sbir-alert AT>
Subject: SBIR-ALERT - May 12, 2000
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:53:11
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The SBIR/STTR Alerting Service is a free service that provides bi-weekly
notification of SBIR and STTR solicitation announcements, news and
information, and Internet resources relevant to the SBIR/STTR programs.
This service is provided by the Economic Development Office of Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Back issues of the SBIR Alert are available on the World Wide Web. To
access these issues, connect to the site below, enter your email address (a
password is not needed to connect), select 'connect' then 'read messages.'
A keyword search is also available if you wish to search for issues
containing a particular subject or topic of interest.
-- EPA FY2001 SBIR Phase I solicitation deadline reminder
-- DOE Commercialization Assistance Program Solicitation
-- DOC and NIH FY 2000 awards released
-- SBIR Proposal Writing Tip of the Month
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-- EPA FY2001 SBIR Phase I solicitation deadline reminder
If you are planning on submitting a proposal for the Environmental
Protection Agency FY2001 SBIR Phase I solicitation, remember that your
proposal with an original and nine (9) copies need to be received at one of
the following addresses by 4:30 p.m., local time, on May
25, 2000:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Solicitation No. PR-NC-00-10483; SBIR Phase I
Closing Date: May 25, 2000 at 4:30 p.m.
Contracts Management Division (MD-33)
Attn: Marsha Johnson
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Receptionist, EPA Administration Building
Solicitation No. PR-NC-00-10483; SBIR Phase I
Closing Date: May 25, 2000 at 4:30 p.m.
Attn: Marsha Johnson/Contracts Mgmt. Division
79 T.W. Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
-- DOE Commercialization Assistance Program Solicitation
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released the following
announcement regarding a solicitation for the Commercialization Assistance
Program in the Commerce Business Daily:
The Department of Energy, Office of Science (SC), plans to issue a
solicitation for Financial Assistance for the Commercialization Assistance
Program (CAP) to invite applications from small businesses that provides
services to DOE SBIR Phase II recipients for successful commercialization
of products or services developed in the DOE SBIR program.
The services to Phase II recipients shall include but not be limited to the
following items: Development of optimal commercialization strategies for
all possible applications of individual technology/product being developed;
workshops for one-on-one sessions with CAP provider's staff for business
plans; opportunity forum which facilitates between technology
entrepreneurs, potential strategic allies, and investors through formal
presentations and informal networking opportunities; and follow-up for a
two-year period following the forum - CAP provider follows the progress in
attracting investments, partners, and in commercializing the technology.
Depending upon availability of funds, it is anticipated that at least one
or possibly two cooperative agreements may be awarded. The application due
date will be approximately 45 days from the date the solicitation is
issued. The solicitation will be available on the Internet to view and
download at
For more information, contact Tonja L. Stokes at tonja.stokes AT or
(630) 252-2136, or Rene L. Irwin at renee.irwin AT or (630)
-- DOC and NIH FY 2000 awards released
A list of award winners for the FY 2000 Phase I solicitation has recently
been posted on the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards
and Technology (DOC-NIST) SBIR web site
( The list is sorted by subtopic and
company name. Abstracts of these awards will be posted at a later time.
Also, preliminary FY2000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) SBIR and STTR
award data is now available at the following link from the NIH SBIR/STTR
web site: AT www.sbirsttr.fy2000.dsncc.
The information is listed by state and city and includes the name of the
small business grantee or contractor organization, principal investigator,
project title, and award number and amount.
-- SBIR Proposal Writing Tip of the Month
The following proposal writing tip was provided by Gail & Jim Greenwood.
Past SBIR proposal writing articles written by the Greenwoods are available
on the Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc. (GCGI) web site at
SBIR Proposal Writing Basics: A Must Activity for SBIR Companies Proposing
to the DoD. Copyright © 2000 by Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc.
Within the past few days, the Department of Defense has prereleased its
topics for its second FY2000 Small Business Innovation Research
solicitation. With DOD being the largest single agency participating in
SBIR, it is important that you consider them when looking for an agency to
propose to (please note that not all DOD components are participating this
time-notably the Air Force and BMDO are not). With about 50% of the total
SBIR budget of all 10 participating agencies, DOD has topics that range
from training to health care to environment (and some defense ones, too).
Note that we said that DOD has "prereleased" its topics. This is an
important distinction from when they formally "release" them in their
solicitation on July 1st. The distinction is that you now are allowed to
speak with the topic authors, whereas when the solicitation is released you
cannot. Until the solicitation is formally released, by the way, you will
have to access the topic descriptions and authors from the DOD SBIR website
( or the Navy SBIR website
Why, you ask, would you want to talk with the topic authors? There are
many reasons, but the primary one is because you will not know all that you
would like to know from the brief topic description that you are given on
the website. A lot of thought and activity has already been invested by
DOD in a particular topic before it shows up in the SBIR program, and all
of that prior effort gets condensed into a paragraph or two. Your job,
during the prerelease period, is to gather some of that prior work so that
you can write a more focused and responsive proposal-you know, the type of
proposal that gets funded!
You can speak with a DOD topic author through one or more of three
mechanisms. All have pros and cons. One is the telephone, another is
email, and the third is in person. Telephone is relatively cheap, and has
a distinct advantage over email in that you can "read between the lines" of
what the topic author is saying, how they are saying it, and what they are
not saying. Email has the advantage of allowing you to carefully think
through your questions in advance and may be an easier way to reach the
author if they are very busy, but it has the disadvantage of giving you
only the factual response without the all important emotional response (or
body language, if it's possible to have body language communicated by
phone!) to your questions.
Some feel it is best to go visit the topic author during the prerelease
period to gain the most information and show your high level of
interest/commitment to this topic, while others point to the higher cost of
this approach (although a $500 plane ticket might be cheap insurance for a
$100k opportunity) and the longer intrusion that it puts on the author's
time. We recommend starting with a phone call, then resorting to email if
you can't reach the author, and then include a site visit if the
conversation is good and the author seems interested in your approach to
his or her problem. Or, you might send an email as an introduction, and
ask if the topic author can respond with an email indicating when you might
call him or her to ask for more information; again, you would decide
whether a site visit is appropriate based on how well the two of you gel
during the phone/email correspondence.
Regardless of how you contact the topic author, have a list of questions
prepared ahead of time. While the list will depend on your specific
issues, knowledge of this particular need of the DOD, and what you feel
will give you a competitive edge, here are some typical issues you might
1. Ask the topic author to "set the stage" in terms of when the problem
occurs-under what conditions, during what time period, etc.
2. Ask him or her what their component has tried in the past to solve the
problem, and what was wrong with those solutions
3. Ask him or her where you might get additional information-either a
document or a person
4. Confirm that this is his or her topic-DOD personnel get reassigned
frequently, so sometimes the author has "inherited" this topic from his or
her predecessor. If this is the case, try to determine whether he or she
really thinks this is an important topic that must be addressed.
5. As a related topic, ask who would be the end user-some DOD components
have a separate entity managing their SBIR topics versus the entity that
actually will deploy the resulting innovation.
6. Ask whether funding exists this fiscal year for this topic-government
budgets change, so there may be topics listed that do not have funding.
7. Ask who will be involved in the review of the proposals-the topic
author likely will not want to share names, but he or she might at least
tell you something about their backgrounds.
8. Without giving away the farm, describe briefly what your approach is,
and solicit the topic author's feedback on it. This is probably best done
after you know more about what the author is thinking, what solutions have
been tried, and what biases the evaluators may have toward certain
If at all possible, take advantage of this prerelease period for the DOD
topics to learn more about the topic author's needs, preferences, and view
on the world. Whether you do it by phone, email or in person and whether
you spend 10 minutes or two days doing it, you will be amazed how much you
will learn and how it will help you prepare your Phase I proposal to DOD.
PS-don't forget about Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) which can
provide information packets on any DOD SBIR topic. Check out
Gail and Jim Greenwood may be reached at the following address:
Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc.
1150 Junonia
Sanibel, FL 33957
941-395-9446 (voice & fax)
g-jgreenwood AT (email)
If you have tips that you would like to share, we would be happy to include
them in future announcements.
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National SBIR Fall Conference, Seattle, WA, October 30, 2000. The National
Science Foundation, in association with the Dept. of Defense and the Small
Business Admin., is sponsoring the fall National SBIR Conference to be held
in Seattle Washington. Program Managers and representatives from
participating agencies will provide insight into how to work with their
respective agencies and answer your own special questions during the
one-on-one opportunities. Specific program details and registration
information will be posted on the following website as soon as it becomes
available: Contact: Sharon DelaBarre at
360-683-5742 or sharon AT for more information.
SBIR Proposal Writing Workshop, Hammond, Louisiana, May 18, 2000. This
workshop will provide an overview of the SBIR program as well as provide
strategies on how to write a proposal. Former Louisiana SBIR solicitation
award winners will be on hand to discuss their experiences with the SBIR
process. Contact: Bryan Greenwood at bgreenwood AT or (225)
334-5555 for more information.
Phase I Proposal Preparation Workshop, Ames, Iowa, May 18, 2000. The focus
of this workshop will be a simple four-step process for developing a
competitive Phase I SBIR or STTR proposal. A group critique of an actual
SBIR proposal, and basic government accounting concepts will be discussed.
For more information or to register, contact Cheryl Kamman; at
kamman AT, or 515-294-9938.
The Business Side of SBIR, Cleveland, Ohio, May 21, 2000. This
SBIR-related session will take place at the National Business Incubation
Association's Conference. The topic is how to use SBIR/STTR as an
effective tool for building a business. If you are interested in more
information about the conference, contact
SBIR Bidder's Course and WorkshopSM, in Madison, Wisconsin, May 23. This
workshop will be held at the Madison Area Technical College, and will be
sponsored by the Business Procurement Assistance Center
( To register, or get more
information, E-MAIL your request to bpac AT
Phase I Proposal Preparation Workshop, Grand Forks, North Dakota, May 24,
2000. The focus is to help attendees better understand what types of
projects are appropriate for SBIR/STTR funding, and discussing a process
for preparing a competitive Phase I proposal. The cost proposal and a
critique of an actual SBIR Phase I proposal will be presented. Contact
Steph Blair at steph AT or 701-777-3970 for details.
SBIR workshop, Rock Springs, WY, May 31, 2000. This workshop will provide
an excellent opportunity to learn about the federal SBIR and STTR Programs,
and to gain insights about winning competition approaches. Case histories
of Wyoming and other small businesses that have capitalized on these
program resources will be highlighted. The workshops will be informal and
highly interactive. To register and for more information contact: Ms. Jill
Kline, Wyoming SBIR Initiative, at (307) 682-2660 or jillkline AT
SBIR workshop, Rawlins, WY, June 1, 2000. This workshop will provide an
excellent opportunity to learn about the federal SBIR and STTR Programs,
and to gain insights about winning competition approaches. Case histories
of Wyoming and other small businesses that have capitalized on these
program resources will be highlighted. The workshops will be informal and
highly interactive. To register and for more information contact: Ms. Jill
Kline, Wyoming SBIR Initiative, at (307) 682-2660 or jillkline AT
SBIR workshop, Jackson, WY, June 2, 2000. This workshop will provide an
excellent opportunity to learn about the federal SBIR and STTR Programs,
and to gain insights about winning competition approaches. Case histories
of Wyoming and other small businesses that have capitalized on these
program resources will be highlighted. The workshops will be informal and
highly interactive. To register and for more information contact: Ms. Jill
Kline, Wyoming SBIR Initiative, at (307) 682-2660 or jillkline AT
Oklahoma SBIR Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, June 1-2, 2000 (originally
scheduled for March 28-29). This workshop will cover the basics of the
SBIR and STTR programs, Phase I proposal information, and a series of
important panel discussions on a variety of topics. Several SBIR agencies
are expected to send representatives, who will present overviews of their
agencies' SBIR programs and be available to meet one-on-one with conference
attendees. For more information or to register, contact Dan Luton at
dluton AT or Kay Wade at KayW AT
Phase II Proposal Preparation Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, June 9, 2000.
The Phase II workshop is designed for Phase I winners who are looking ahead
to the next step, for newcomers to the SBIR/STTR programs who want to know
more before they decide to compete for awards, and for consultants and
service providers who are assisting clients with Phase II issues. For more
information or to register, contact Rina Petrie at rpetrie AT
2nd Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference, Bethesda, MD, July 11-12, 2000.
Information about the conference, including registration, hotel information
and the agenda, may be found at:
It is mandatory that all participants pre-register for this meeting (via
the On-Line Registration site). Due to strict space limitations, it is
recommended that you register promptly. For more information, contact
Margaret L. Fanning Conference Planning Services, SAIC by Phone:
301-846-1995, Fax: 301-846-5866, or E-mail: fanningm AT
SBIR Bidder's Course and WorkshopSM, June 16, Baltimore MD/Washington DC
area. This is a business development seminar focused on the "how tos" of
strategic planning, marketing and proposal development for potential SBIR
and STTR Bidders. The workshop will be sponsored by the High Tech Council
of Maryland, the Maryland Small Business Development Center Network
(Central Region) and Neighborhood Revitalization Solutions. For
information, call (410) 315-8101 or send E-mail to JADE Research
Corporation at SBIR AT
Other events, with details to follow at a later time:
SBIR Conference, National Assoc. of Women Business Owners, Orange County,
CA, September 16.
If you are sponsoring or are aware of SBIR workshops in your area and would
like to post an announcement feel free to contact us.
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EPA SBIR, due 5/25/00
NSF, due 6/8/00 and 1/4/01
NASA SBIR, due 7/14/00
NIH CY2000 SBIR/STTR, due August 1, December 1
DoD SBIR 00.2 (accepting proposals July 3), due 8/16/00
NSF, due 6/8/00 and 1/4/01
NIH CY2000 SBIR/STTR, due August 1, December 1
USDA SBIR 00-1, expected June 1
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Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Department of Defense or
Defense Technical Information Center
Air Force
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) SBIR
SBIR Interactive Technical Information System (SITIS)
Department of Education
Department of Energy and
Department of Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency
National Institutes of Health
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
National Science Foundation
Small Business Administration
Project SBIR West
Wyoming SBIR Initiative Program
SBIR Resource Center
National SBIR Conference Center
SBIR Internet Catalog Site
Small Business Technology Coalition
State Science and Technology Institute
Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc.
PNNL Economic Development Office
SBIR-Alerting Service
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you have any comments, suggestions, or would like to submit items for
the next issue please contact us:
Richard Fowler - richard.fowler AT - (509) 372-4332
Gary Spanner - gary.spanner AT - (509) 372-4296
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- Fwd: SBIR-ALERT - May 12, 2000, Ava Devenport, 05/15/2000
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