If we are going to live here for a long time, we need to
develop our own sustainable agriculture.
If we are going to develop our own sustainable agriculture, we
need to sustain a genetically diverse agriculture. The strength
of our agricultural ecosystem will depend on its diversity.
If we are going to sustain a genetically diverse agriculture,
we need to redevelop a network of gardeners and farmers, each
producing, saving and trading seeds adapted to their own unique
conditions. Agriculture was developed and sustained in this
manner for 10,000 years.
If we are going to redevelop a network of gardeners and farmers
that produce, save and trade seeds, we need a new kind of seed
company. We need companies that don't just sell gardeners and
farmers all their seeds each year. Instead, the seed company of
the future will search the world's remaining agricultural
resources constantly to find new supplies of important, adapted,
open-pollinated varieties. It will then teach its
customers to save their own seeds from individual
plants doing best in their own gardens and farms.
Seeds Trust was started for this reason. It is nothing more
than a conservative, long-term plan to help support and increase
the priceless diversity now being squandered.
You can help immediately by sending us new varieties. We will
be happy to reward you with your choice of one of our packets of
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