Bio-Intensive Mini-Gardens--Recipe for Survival
Cultivating Our Garden
"They're making people every day,
but they ain't makin' any more dirt."
- Will Rogers
A sustainable community involves a dynamic inter-dependent
between each of us and the resources that sustain our lives. Rather
shirking human labor, trying to reduce the amount of it used or to
its productivity in unsustainable ways, we need to exalt in its
proper use
and the maintenance of the very muscles involved in an effective
human life.
Properly performed, labor is not tedious or enervating, but
and rewarding.
Using resources more efficiently - doing more with less - allows us
to use
our personal energy more effectively. The field of electronics was
miniaturized on this basis. In fact, the world is on the verge of a
new discovery - that there are major economies of small scale, such
as the
miniaturization of agriculture. The sophisticated low-technology
and the approaches involved in this kind of food-raising will make
truly sustainable agricultural practices globally.
Biointensive Mini-Farming
This miniaturization of agriculture is not new. Small-scale
agriculture has supported such widely dispersed civilizations as the
4,000 years ago, and the Mayans, South Americans, and Greeks 2,000
Ecology Action has dedicated almost a quarter-century to
rediscovering the
scientific principles that underlie these traditional systems. The
people in
Biosphere II in Arizona have been using techniques based on those
by Ecology Action: they raised 80 percent of their food for two
years within
a "closed system." Their experience demonstrates that a complete
year's diet
for one person can be raised on the equivalent of 3,403 square feet!
This is an improvement over traditional Chinese practices, which
5,000 to 7,200 square feet. In contrast, it takes commercial
22,000 to 42,000 square feet to grow all the food for one person for
year, while bringing in large inputs from other areas. At the same
commercial agricultural practices are causing the loss of
approximately six
pounds of soil for each pound of food produced.
Biointensive mini-farming techniques make it possible to grow food
using 99
percent less energy in all forms - human and mechanical, 66 percent
to 88
percent less water, and 50 percent to 100 percent less fertilizer,
to commercial agriculture. They also produce two to six times more
food and
build the soil.
The Biointensive Method
The basics of this whole-system approach can be summarized as
Most life in nature occurs at the interface of soil, water, air and
Biointensive soil preparation practices create growing beds with
surface area to maximize the effect of nature's life processes.
beds, with soil loosened to a depth of 24 inches, aerate the soil,
facilitate root growth, and improve water retention. The health and
vigor of
the soil are maintained through the use of compost. Close seeding
spacing is
used to protect the soil microorganisms, reduce water loss, and
yields. Companion planting facilitates the optimal use of nutrients,
and water, encourages beneficial insects and creates a vibrant
mini-ecosystem within the garden. The use of open-pollinated seeds
helps to
preserve genetic diversity and enables gardeners to develop their
acclimatized cultivars.
A focus on the production of calories for the gardener and carbon
for the
soil ensures that both the gardener and the soil will be adequately
fed and
that the farm will be sustainable.
How can the soil's nutrient fertility be preserved with agriculture
continuously removing nutrients as one crop is harvested after
another? One
answer is surprising. Each person's urine and manure contain
enough nutrients to produce enough food to feed that person.
However, those
nutrients are not enough when they are spread thinly over the
one-half to
one acre that it takes mechanized commercial agriculture to produce
person's food.
Biointensive mini-farms require much less area to produce the same
yield of
crops, so the nutrients contained in one person's wastes can be
applied in a
more concentrated way. This enables the nutrients to be fully
effective, and
high yields can result.
Because of this higher productivity, Biointensive practices could
one-half to three-quarters of the world to be left in wild for the
preservation of plant and animal diversity.
It has been said that Biointensive practices might make it possible
to grow
food for all the people in the US in just the area now used for
lawns. This
possibility could mean thriving agriculturally self-reliant cities
'green belts' to produce all their food.
Scarcity vs. Abundance
Scarcity can be changed into abundance when sustainable,
agricultural practices are used.
* The world continues to deplete its soils approximately 7 to 80
faster with conventional forms of agriculture - even with organic
practices - than they are built up in nature. Probably only 50 to
100 years'
worth of world soil productivity remains for us to use. We are
depleting the soil base upon which civilization depends. In
sustainable Biointensive farming, if used properly, can build the
soil up to
60 times faster than in nature while producing more food and
* Economically, conventional agriculture in the US produces on
average up to $100 per sixteenth of an acre; the net return on a
investment on the average 500-acre farm is about $12,000, or a
little over 2
percent. We are depleting our agricultural economic base and
indirectly our
farming community base. Biointensive economic mini-farming, in
contrast, can
produce up to $20,000 on a sixteenth of an acre through increased
decreased resource use, and direct marketing. It also offers a
for community-based agriculture.
* The average age of the US farmer is 55, with few young people
farming. In fact, 0.2 percent of the population of the US is
producing most
of the nation's food. We are depleting the nation's skill base. With
mini-farming approaches, everyone can be part of the rebuilding of
skills wherever they are.
* 75 percent of all the seeds ever used in agriculture are
estimated to
have become extinct by 1990. Ninety five percent are expected to be
by the year 2000. We are depleting our genetic base by
overdependence on too
few highly specialized varieties. It is interesting to note that
many, if
not most, normal open-pollinated crop varieties will produce equally
Green Revolution-type yields with a fraction of the resources and
few insect
and disease problems when Biointensive techniques are used because
of the
healthy soil they produce.
* Conventional agriculture uses 100 times the energy in
mechanical and
human forms per pound of food produced, compared to Biointensive
This is because of current agriculture's heavy dependence on
machines and
energy-intensive chemical fertilizers. We are depleting our energy
Sustainable Biointensive practices, in contrast, recycle nutrients
and are
productive enough to be done manually without high energy
* Agriculture accounts for 80 percent of all the water used by
people on
this planet, and dozens of countries already have insufficient water
growing all the food needed for their populations. Further, the
practices being used do not generally conserve water in our soil.
The result
is that we are in the process of depleting our available water base.
Biointensive practices use a third to an eighth the water per pound
of food
produced as conventional farming practices. Thus, the amount of
available for farming, which is currently insufficient, can be more
It Is Simple to Begin
The thought of beginning to learn to grow all one's own food seems
overwhelming, but Ecology Action has designed a small one-bed
growing unit
from which to begin growing personalized solutions. This unit is a
100-square-foot bed that includes equal areas of compost, diet, and
crops. As we improve each 100-square-foot area of soil in our
backyards or
on our farms, we begin to understand our climate and the varieties
of plants
that thrive in our own micro-climates and mini-ecosystems. Each
portion that we grow of our own food enables us to better appreciate
farmers whose food we buy.
Voltaire in Candide suggests that if we each tend our own "garden,"
entire world will be transformed. In the process, all of our work
will be
filled with meaning. In this way, we will "grow people" who possess
a whole
new understanding: that we must grow soil rather than crops - create
than consume. When we do so, the harvest for our nourishment will be
abundant beyond our greatest expectations!
John Jeavons is known internationally for his work developing
sustainable food production techniques. His food-raising techniques
being used in 108 countries, rich and poor.
Ecology Action, founded 24 years ago, has taught the Biointensive
method to
organizations and individuals in over 100 countries through tours
workshops, and more than 30 publications - some in other languages.
For more
information, write to Ecology Action, 5798 Ridgewood Road, Willits,
Learn more at the Ecology Action website