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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] 2011: The Issues - A Lot of Head-Shaking Going On!

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] 2011: The Issues - A Lot of Head-Shaking Going On!
  • Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 07:42:25 -0700

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On 1/4/2012 at 6:06 AM Gail Nickel-Kailing <

Another year passed – 2011 was quite the year in the food world! Here are
a handful of “hot button” topics that sent us to our keyboards with heads
shaking. What ARE we doing to our food, our families, and our future?

Big Ag – specifically Monsanto – is doing its best to destroy our soil,
reduce the diversity of the crops we plant, and control the governmental
agencies that are supposed to regulate it.

Start ‘em young and raise ‘em right! How do you get your target market to
be totally committed to your product? You spend years promoting to them as
children. Monsanto is indoctrinating students with subsidized educational
materials for elementary and science teachers, and funding a wide variety
of student activities.

This year, the company stepped up their efforts to include $1,000,000 to
support 14 major events for the National FFA Organization – known in my
day as the Future Farmers of America.

Legal Challenges to Big Ag, the USDA, and the FDA Lawyers are busy trying
to deal with new challenges from manufacturers of genetically engineered
feed crops and from the agencies that are supposed to regulate them. It
was a year of lawsuits, counter-suits, and appeals.

In a final act of futility, the USDA decided to let the Fox in the Hen
House and allow the GMO industry to conduct its own environmental impact
studies on the products they want to release or pay other researchers to
do them. Now those will be really objective studies, right?

USDA Deregulates Genetically Modified Alfalfa In a decision that had the
“good food world” scratching its collective head, USDA chief Vilsack made
a quick u-turn to give Big Ag a free lunch when it comes to GMOs. Organic
farmers, dairy producers, and organic consumers across the country are

Home garden? Say HELLO to Monsanto! Who needs “Better living with
chemistry” when you have “Better breeding with Monsanto?” If you thought
that planting your own garden and growing and harvesting your own crops
would keep you safe from the long arm of Monsanto, think again!

Big Food – giant companies producing ultra-processed food-like substances
– is determined to sell as much as possible to as many as possible,
regardless of actual food value.

Kids Taught to Prefer Sugar, Fat, Salt, and Fast Food The frontier in the
fight against childhood obesity should be pushed back to toddlers and
preschoolers, a new study suggests. Researchers have found that kids ages
3-5 already have developed a taste for sugary, fatty, and salty foods, and
easily recognize the brands that offer these options.

Junk Food Industry Battles Attempts to Reduce Consumption OK folks, it’s
war! The bad guys – junk food industry, including soda makers – are
winning the battle! That is, they’re doing their level best to continue to
market and sell their products and prevent any constraint of their trade
by government agencies or even “advisory committees.”

Don’t feed your kids Twinkies for breakfast! Kellogg’s Honey Smacks,
nearly 56% sugar by weight, leads the list of the 10 worst children’s
cereals, according to the Environmental Working Group’s analysis. In fact,
a one-cup serving of the brand packs more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie,
and one cup of any of the 44 other children’s cereals has more sugar than
three Chips Ahoy! cookies.

FDA Action: Food Dyes and Hyperactivity? The use of artificial
enhancements is relatively recent. In the 1800s, American food
manufacturers began doctoring their wares with toxic pigments made from
lead and copper. Today, while food dyes come from a wide range of sources,
many artificial dyes are petroleum-based. Why degrade the nutrient value
of our food with over processing and then disguise it with artificial
colors and flavors?

Functional Foods, Super Foods – What ARE You Eating? Somehow I thought all
foods were “functional foods,” after all, their function is to nourish our
bodies. And as for “super foods?” I’d include things like kale, bok choy,
spinach – all those leafy green vegetables – in the super food category.
So I was wrong. Functional foods and super foods are manufactured foods,
sometimes “edible food like substances,” with all kinds of additives to
make them “nutritious.”

Disappearing Nutrients OK folks, I’ll admit it; I certainly thought the
shiny red tomatoes and strawberries in the plastic clam shell boxes seemed
to taste less and less like those I remember as a kid. I thought it was
just the idealistic glow around childhood memories. But no: it turns out
that our conventional fruits and vegetables really are losing some of
their nutritive value.

Tweaking Tastes and Creating Cravings When you chug a sports drink or chew
a stick of gum, you probably don’t think of science. But there is a
precise science – and a delicate art – behind what you taste. CBS 60
Minutes’ Morley Safer reports on the multibillion-dollar flavor industry,
whose scientists create natural and artificial flavorings that make your
mouth water and keep you coming back for more.

Food Safety – our food is making us sick – or even killing us – in larger
and larger numbers than ever before.

Where is Law and Order when we need it? The first Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act – the goal of which was to protect the public by preventing
“deleterious, adulterated, or misbranded articles from entering interstate
commerce” – was passed way back in 1938. The Act also describes a food
product as “adulterated” if the food was” prepared, packed, or held under
unsanitary conditions where it may have become contaminated with filth or
in some other way rendered injurious to health.

Food is also considered adulterated if it contains any poisonous or
deleterious substance that may make it injurious to health. Similar laws
deal with the meat side of the equation over at USDA/FSIS.

It is illegal to “adulterate” food products. The Act set up civil and
criminal liability for those who do.

So what happened? Why aren’t we seeing the courts and prisons filling up
with the guilty parties in the recent outbreaks of food borne illnesses?

Deaths and Illnesses From E.coli Pit Spain Against the Rest of Europe A
huge outbreak of a virulent strain of enterohemorrhagic E. coli known as
EHEC spread across Western Europe into Russia. In the end, at least 50
died and more than 4,000 were taken ill, including 852 who developed
kidney-damaging hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).

Millions and Millions Recalled – Our Food Is Making Us Sick In 2010, we
were reeling from the recall of 550,000,000 eggs – that’s more than
one-half billion! In 2011, a single Cargill plant in Arkansas recalled
36,000,000 pounds of ground turkey.

Germany Recalls Eggs – 1000 Farms Closed While the US still holds the
dubious title of most eggs recalled because of bacterial contamination,
Germany had to deal with an egg recall because of chemical contamination.

The eggs were the products of chickens given feed contaminated with
dioxin, a type of hydrocarbon and a by-product of burning rubbish and
industrial activities. Dioxin can cause illness to human beings, including
cancer and miscarriages.

Cantaloupe-Importer Del Monte Fights Back Cantaloupes are one of summer’s
favorite fruits and, with the eternal summer of the global food system,
consumers can eat them pretty much year ’round. The problem with
cantaloupe is that they seem to be prone to collecting some pretty nasty
pathogens including Listeria and Salmonella.

Food Equity/Justice – food production, processing, and preparation is more
and more often a function of the labor of people who can less and less
afford to buy what they are making.

Occupy Food? Wall Street Is Driving Up the Price of Food The “Occupy”
marches and protests have spread across North America and around the world
to thousands of cities. Yet there is little understanding that speculation
by Wall Street contributed to the skyrocketing of food costs.

Food justice and farm worker wages have been in the news many times
before. This fall the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and the Florida
Tomato Growers Exchange announced a landmark agreement to extend Fair Food
principles to over 90% of Florida tomato industry.

Food Justice: The Color of Food Field workers are not the only workers in
the food supply chain that are suffering from poor wages and bad working

Hidden Crimes: Food and Farm Worker Welfare The “Good Food Movement” is a
reaction to the global food system. Like much of our economy, food
production is dominated by large corporations and industrial food
processes, and consumers are looking for a sustainable food system.

The conventional food chain provides work for millions of people, in
production, processing, distribution, and preparation. The future of good
food cannot ignore these workers. People of color are often limited to
low-wage service and production jobs, and at least 6 out of 10 farmworkers
is undocumented.

Immigrants and refugees: the next generation of American farmers? The
average age of American farmers is now over 57 and farmers aged 65 and
older are the fastest growing group of farm operators, according to the
USDA. The number of farms owned or operated by farmers under the age of 30
continues to shrink.

Where are new farmers going to come from? They’re coming from Somalia,
Burma, Cambodia, Mexico; from around the world.

Alternative Food Systems – organic, sustainable, and local.

Organic Farming is Good for the Earth Organic farming is often falsely
represented as being unscientific. However, despite the popular assumption
that it sprang fully formed from the delusions of 60s hippies, it has a
more extensive, and scientifically respectable, provenance.

Skeptics have often misrepresented a biologically based agriculture as if
it is nothing but the substitution of purchased organic inputs for
purchased chemical inputs. Biologically focused farming bases fertility
maintenance on proven cultural practices and locally available waste

Farmers Markets: Home of The New Food Revolutionaries As cities grew, more
and more people left the farms, and the food had to be brought to them. In
the century since Seattle’s Pike Place Market was opened, a lot has
changed and we have become distanced from our food and the people who
produce it. It is today’s farmers market that is reconnecting American
consumers to the land and to their food.

Natural Food Co-ops: Putting Local Sourcing Into Practice Food co-ops are
different and they fit more comfortably into small towns and unique
neighborhoods. Because they reflect the values and principles of their
owners and members they can differentiate themselves more easily. Take a
look at six very different natural food co-ops. Each one has its own
personality and each one is committed to buying products from local

Guerilla Grafters: Adding Fruit to Ornamental Trees The Guerrilla Grafters
are a group of San Franciscans who believe urban trees are a precious
thing to waste on simple flowers. Their goal is to graft – albeit
illegally – fruit bearing branches onto non-fruit bearing fruit trees, in
hopes that over time the city’s ornamental trees can provide food for
residents free of charge.

Organic Product Buyers Shift to Traditional Grocers/Target Is “organic”
still ”alternative?”

Nearly 40% of US consumers buy products that are certified organic or
contain certified organic ingredients, a number that has held steady for
the last three years. Where those consumers are shopping for those
products has changed toward conventional and mass-market outlets and away
from natural food stores.

Small Farmers Need Small Slaughterhouses Small farmers in the West who are
raising meat and poultry need affordable – and legal – slaughterhouses.
Nearly all the meat and poultry consumed in the US today comes from just
four companies that operate their own USDA-inspected processing plants.
Most of the remaining meat processors – beef, pork, lamb – do not process

The year past was a tough one for farmers, processors, retailers and
restaurateurs, as it was for the world of consumers. It is clear that none
of these issues have been resolved and 2012 will bring more to be dealt
with. As long as we let the connection between producer and consumer grow
more and more tenuous, we will continue to be faced with these challenges
and with new ones we haven’t even thought of.

Take care, eat well, be well!


Gail Nickel-Kailing
GoodFood World
Cell: 425-894-8524
Twitter: goodfoodwrld

Good food is everybody's business!
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  • [Livingontheland] 2011: The Issues - A Lot of Head-Shaking Going On!, Tradingpost, 01/04/2012

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