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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
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  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Veggie Season Keeps Growing
  • Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 14:52:58 -0700

Veggie Season Keeps Growing
Demand for locally grown food has farmers building greenhouses and trying
cool-weather varieties.
by Beth Quimby
Published on Monday, November 23, 2009 by Portland Press Herald (Maine)

PORTLAND, Maine - The vegetable-growing season used to end with the first
hard frost in Maine.

Not anymore.

An increasing number of farmers are pushing the growing season into the
winter to take advantage of the surging demand for locally grown food. As a
result, more farmers are operating greenhouses, branching out into
cool-weather crops and creating new markets for their produce.

"Basically, people have gotten into it because their infrastructure is
already there," said Mark Hutton, vegetable specialist and assistant
professor of vegetable crops with the University of Maine Cooperative

Winter farming was pioneered in the 1990s by organic farmer and writer Eliot
Coleman and his wife, Barbara Damrosch, at their Four Season Farm in
Harborside. The two took a trip to Europe in 1996, following the 44th
parallel through France and Italy - the same latitude as Maine - when the
idea of winter farming hit Coleman.

"The whole time, we had seen gardens in January with Brussels sprouts and
leeks, and the minute we got above the snow line there was nothing," said

Coleman said he realized there was plenty of sunlight in Maine during the
winter to grow vegetables - he just had to modify the temperature. So he came
up with the idea of layered greenhouse structures that require minimal or no

While there are no recent statistics on how many Maine farmers are venturing
into winter gardening, agricultural experts say the number of new winter
farmers markets and winter community-supported agricultural ventures reflects
the increase.

There are about 18 community-supported agricultural operations selling winter
shares of organic crops raised on Maine farms, according to the Maine Organic
Farmers and Gardeners Association. The organization has seen its list of
winter farmers markets more than double in the past year to more than a dozen
across the state.

Other farmers markets are extending their seasons, including the Portland
Farmers Market in Monument Square, which is staying open a month later than
in past years.

Just why winter farming was not widely practiced before is a bit of a mystery.

Coleman said it could be that people simply assumed vegetables wouldn't grow
when there is snow on the ground.

Hutton attributes the practice's growth to the advent of the locally grown
movement in reaction to the rise of global corporate marketing, creating a
demand that farmers are now rushing to fill.

Paul Lorrain, who raises lettuce and other vegetables in the winter at Sunset
Farm Organics in Lyman, said it probably was just that vegetable farmers
burned out in the summer and needed the winter to recuperate.

A landscaper in the summer, Lorrain has been steadily expanding his operation
since he started in 2000. His first greenhouse was unheated. But after a
two-week stretch of cloudy, minus-20-degree weather destroyed his crop, he
started heating his greenhouses with propane to 37 degrees.

Today he operates eight greenhouses between Oct. 1 and the end of April,
harvesting about 300 pounds of produce a week. He sells it to local
restaurants, at a winter farmers market in Brunswick and through a new
community-supported agricultural operation based at Wolf Pine Farm in Alfred.

"We have gone from not being able to give it away to not being able to grow
enough," Lorrain said.

Tom Harms, who runs Wolf Pine Farm with his wife, Amy Sprague, left his job
as a computer programmer this year to manage the winter community- supported
agricultural venture at the farm, which until last winter sold shares of the
harvest only in the summer.

"We are not just extending the season, we are making the winter our whole
business," Harms said.

If all goes well, next year the farm will grow vegetables just for
distribution in the winter, he said.

Harms has sold 350 shares this winter, signing up summer customers as well as
new customers at agricultural fairs. He hopes to sell 50 more shares. It is
possibly the largest winter share operation in the state, delivering as far
away as Portsmouth, N.H., to the south and Falmouth to the north.

"People figure there is just a lot of turnips and kale, but we have worked
really hard to bring diversity," Harms said.

Every three weeks, customers receive a box of produce - enough for three
weeks - from 10 Maine organic farms.

The contents vary and may include dried beans, flour and other grains, fruits
and berries, vegetables and eggs. Shares cost $500 if the customer picks up
the produce; it is $600 for door-to-door service.

Scott Jillson of Jillson's Farm and Sugarhouse in Sabattus is venturing into
winter farming this year for the first time.

Using techniques developed by Coleman, Jillson is growing lettuce and
radishes in a hoop-style greenhouse - a series of hoops covered with a thick,
taut layer of greenhouse plastic - to sell at new winter farmers markets that
have opened in Falmouth and Cumberland.

Jillson said the winter markets give his family another way to sell the
vegetable crops it raises from the 30 acres under cultivation. The family
also sells vegetables at a year-round farm stand, through its own
community-supported agriculture venture, and at summer farmers markets.

Jillson said that in the past, with fewer sales venues, the family often
ended the traditional growing season with a vegetable surplus.

"Sometimes we would have to feed them to the animals," he said.

Winter farming doesn't work in all northern regions of the United States.
Hutton said some areas, such as New York state and parts of Pennsylvania, are
too overcast.

Most of the winter farming is being done on small existing farms because of
the high cost of starting large-scale ventures, such as Backyard Farms LLC.
That company opened a 24-acre, year-round tomato-growing operation in Madison
in 2007, and this year it added another 18 acres of greenhouse capacity.

For many farmers, Hutton said, winter farming generates enough cash to allow
them to retain some of their summer help and keep themselves on the farm
rather than drive a snowplow or take on other temporary winter work.

Kathy Shaw of Valley View Farm in Auburn said the new winter farmers market
in Falmouth keeps her busy on Wednesdays selling the meat and produce that
she raises on her farm.

"In the past, I would have rested," she said.

Last week she had cauliflower, beets, turnips, Brussels sprouts, potatoes,
parsnips, squash, onions, poultry and red meat, all raised in Auburn. She
said she does it not only for the cash but also to put her philosophy into

"I want to provide good fresh food to the public," she said.

  • [Livingontheland] Veggie Season Keeps Growing, Tradingpost, 11/23/2009

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