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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Richard Wiswall on the business of organic farming 0

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
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  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Richard Wiswall on the business of organic farming 0
  • Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:11:20 -0600

Richard Wiswall on the business of organic farming 0
* Makenna Goodman
Posted 3:33 PM on 8 Oct 2009

With the economic downturn and increase in the desire for a relationship with
our food, farming has become a popular lifestyle among young people opting
out of the corporate world. And while these people are new to life on the
land, others have made a life of it for generations. But either way, growing
food is rife with politics and economic stresses. Look at the dairy farms in
Vermont filing for bankruptcy, the family businesses going under in the
midwest, and the monopoly of small farms by corporate agriculture! It sort of
looks dismal out there. And while sure, it may be satisfying in the short
term, can farming actually pay the bills?


Contrary to popular belief, a good living can be made on an organic farm.
What’s required is farming smarter, not harder. I talked to farmer Richard
Wiswall, author of newly released The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook: A
Complete Guide to Managing Finances, Crops, and Staff—and Making a Profit,
about how he manages an organic farm, and what aspiring farmers can do to
make some dough.

In your book The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, you explore the ways
organic farmers can not only make their vegetable production more efficient,
but also better manage their employees and finances. How have you managed to
do this on your own farm?

As a manager or owner of a farm, it is ultimately your responsibility to keep
the farm in business. Time must be made for running a sustainable farm,
economically as well as ecologically. Long range planning, employee
management, and financial management don’t just happen on their own. An
effort must be made by the farmer to manage these responsibilities. Just
recognizing this duty is the first step to better management.

I make time for employee management. I look at the week’s projects and daily
tasks that need to be done and try to budget employee hours accordingly. I
spend a bit of time mapping out the day, and develop contingency plans if
something goes awry (never happens). I know roughly how long each task should
take and share that information with employees. On their first day of work,
employees are given a job description/personnel policy that outlines work on
Cate Farm. Employees are paid by the hour, but the farm is paid by the piece
(by each head of lettuce or pound of tomato). Production per hour is
important for the farm to succeed. It is also stressed that no matter how
small or insignificant a task may seem, it is still important to the overall
success of the farm. Employment at Cate Farm is a team effort, and in that
spirit, we pay our employees well.

As for financial management, years of trial and error is an effective but
expensive learning experience. I now set aside one or two half-days a week
to tackle desk work. (Otherwise it would happen at 10 o’clock at night). I
have developed systems to make office work as efficient as possible to save
time and money. I use a computer when appropriate, but I’m a big fan of a
sharp pencil and pad of paper.

Your organic farm, “Cate Farm”, has an interesting history. Can you talk
briefly about its inception, and how it became what it is today?

Suzannah and Enoch Cate settled the farm in 1793, and the land stayed in the
Cate family until 1901. It remained a farm (dairy or sheep) through various
owners until Goddard College purchased it in 1964. It was used for faculty
housing during the 1960s, and then by Bread and Puppet Theater in the early
1970s. The Institute for Social Ecology was here in the late 1970s, prior to
my buying it from Goddard College with four other partners in 1981. I leased
Cate Farm from the partnership to start up the farm business. I bought out
the partners in 1993, after I had established a viable farm operation and
convinced lenders that I was bankable. Now my wife and I are sole proprietors
of the farm.

What do you think are the most common business blunders made by organic
farmers, and how can they best avoid making them?

Farmers are attracted to farming, not necessarily business. Often the
business aspect takes a backseat in the sometimes frenetic pace of farm life.
But eventually the business and farming worlds collide, and it is a wake call
to figure out how to make the farm survive as a business. The irrefutable
business equation, Profit = Income - Expenses, needs to be looked at closely
and thoughtfully. And not just for the farm business as a whole, but each
farm enterprise, for example carrots vs. potatoes vs. blueberries vs. eggs
vs. milk which are the parts that make up the whole.

Your farm is certified organic. How expensive is the certification process,
and what does it entail?

Certification takes about two hours of application work in April, plus a two
to three hour farm inspection by the certifying agency. The better records
you keep during the year the easier the job is. Cate Farm is certified by
Vermont Organic Farmers and costs us $650 per year, but for years there has
been a rebate that brings the net cost down to $200/year.

In your opinion, what are the most important reasons for going organic—both
environmentally and from a business perspective?

What is the most important reason for NOT going organic? Take a look at the
label of any agricultural chemical with all the warnings, and then spray it
on your fields and what you are about to eat. Don’t forget the fine print.

I grow organically because of my values, not market opportunity. When I
started out in 1981, some buyers were scared of the term organic. Even though
the organic market is big right now, it doesn’t mean it is a profitable
venture. Any farmer has to pay attention to net profit, not just gross sales.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your 27 years of operating an
organic farm?

The challenges have changed over the years. First it was learning the ropes
and getting the ball rolling—like building infrastructure and fertility. Then
it was balancing the needs for raising a family amidst all the farm work.
Then I borrowed a ton of money which really put the focus on the business end
of farming. Now the biggest challenge is not biting off too much.

Considering the current economic climate, if you were to advise a young
person considering farming as a way of life, what would you outline as the
reasons for and the reasons against starting your own organic vegetable farm?

Being an organic farmer is a great way to make a good living: watching food
grow, being independent and your own boss, working outdoors with nature’s
rhythms, and creating your own farm plan each year.

The downsides are: the learning incline may be steep, long hours for little
return at first, nature and business throw curve balls at you, credit may be
tight, and markets may be fickle. But a healthy desire to farm, and farm
smart, will overcome any obstacles.

READ an excerpt from the book, click here.

WATCH a video of Richard Wiswall on his farm, click here.

  • [Livingontheland] Richard Wiswall on the business of organic farming 0, Tradingpost, 10/08/2009

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