Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing
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[Livingontheland] Agriculture In A Post-Oil Economy
- From: "Tradingpost" <>
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- Subject: [Livingontheland] Agriculture In A Post-Oil Economy
- Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:48:18 -0600
Agriculture In A Post-Oil Economy
By Peter Goodchild
22 September, 2007
The decline in the worlds oil supply offers no sudden dramatic event that
would appeal to the writer of "apocalyptic" science fiction: no mushroom
clouds, no flying saucers, no giant meteorites. The future will be just like
today, only tougher. Oil depletion is basically just a matter of
overpopulation too many people and not enough resources. The most serious
consequence will be a lack of food. The problem of oil therefore leads, in an
apparently mundane fashion, to the problem of farming.
To what extent could food be produced in a world without fossil fuels? In the
year 2000, humanity consumed about 30 billion barrels of oil, but the supply
is starting to run out; without oil and natural gas, there will be no fuel,
no asphalt, no plastics, no chemical fertilizer. Most people in modern
industrial civilization live on food that was bought from a local
supermarket, but such food will not always be available. Agriculture in the
future will be largely a "family affair": without motorized vehicles, food
will have to be produced not far from where it was consumed. But what crops
should be grown? How much land would be needed? Where could people be
supported by such methods of agriculture?
The most practical diet would be largely vegetarian, for several reasons. In
the first place, vegetable production requires far less land than animal
production. Even the pasture land for a cow is about one hectare, and more
land is needed to produce hay, grain, and other foods for that animal. One
could supply the same amount of useable protein from vegetable sources on a
fraction of a hectare, as Frances Moore Lappé pointed out in 1971 in Diet for
a Small Planet [12]. Secondly, vegetable production is less complicated. The
raising of animals is not easy, and one of the principles to work with is,
"The more parts there are to a machine, the more things there are that can go
wrong." The third problem is that of cost: animals get sick, animals need to
be fed, animals need to be enclosed, and the bills add up quickly. Finally,
vegetable food requires less labor than animal food to produce; less labor,
in turn, means more time to spend on other things. A largely vegetarian diet
is also the most healthful, but that is a separate issue.
With a largely vegetarian diet, one must beware of deficiencies in vitamins A
and B12, iron, calcium, and fat, all of which can be found in animal food.
Most of these deficiencies are covered by an occasional taste of meat; daily
portions of beef and pork are really not necessary. Animal food should be
used whenever it is available, but it is not a daily necessity.
Of vegetable foods, it is grains in particular that are essential to human
diet. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors took various species of grass and
converted them into the plants on which human life now depends. Wheat, rice,
maize, barley, rye, oats, sorghum, millet these are the grasses people eat
every day, and it is these or other grasses that are fed (too often) to the
pigs and cows that are killed as other food. A diet of green vegetables would
be slow starvation; it is bread and rice that supply the thousands of
kilocalories that keep us alive from day to day.
In general, the types of crops to grow would be those which are trouble-free,
provide a large amount of carbohydrates per unit of land, provide protein,
and supply adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Most grains meet
several of these requirements. Winter (not summer) squashes are also high in
kilocalories. Parsnips rate high in kilocalories, whereas carrots, turnips,
rutabagas, and beets are slightly lower on the scale. Beans (as "dry beans")
rate fairly well in terms of kilocalories, and they are the best vegetable
source of protein, especially if they are eaten with maize or other grains
with complementary amino acids.
The amount of land needed for farming with manual labor would depend on
several factors: the type of soil, the climate, the kinds of crops to be
grown. The highest-yielding varieties are not necessarily the most
disease-resistant, or the most suitable for the climate or the soil, or the
easiest to store. The weather also makes a big difference: too little rain
can damage a crop, and too much rain can do the same. Unusually cold weather
can damage some crops, and unusually hot weather can damage others. Without
irrigation relying solely on rain the yield is less than if the crops
were watered.
But here are some rough figures. Let us use the production of maize (corn) as
the basis for our calculations, and for now let us pretend that someone is
going to live entirely on maize. "Maize" or "corn" here does not mean the
vegetable that is normally eaten as "corn on the cob," but the types that are
mainly used to produce cornmeal; these are sometimes referred to as "grain
corn" or "field corn." Maize is very high-yielding and can be grown easily
with hand tools, but it is only practical in areas with long periods of
warmth and sunshine; even in most parts of North America it is not easy to
grow north of about latitude 45.
A hard-working adult burns about 5,000 kcal per day, or 1.8 million kcal per
year. David Pimentel [14] mentions a study of slash-and-burn maize culture in
Mexico that produced 1,944 kg of maize per hectare, or 6.9 million kcal.
Under such conditions, then, a hectare of maize would support approximately 4
Potatoes require about 50% less land than "grain-corn" maize, but they are
troublesome in terms of insects and diseases. Wheat, on the other hand,
requires approximately 50% more land than maize to produce the same amount of
kilocalories. Beans require about 100% more land than maize. "Root crops"
such as turnips, carrots, or beets have yields at least 10 times greater than
maize, but they also have a much higher water content; their actual yield in
kilocalories per hectare is slightly less than that of maize.
To determine whether a country can feed itself with manual labor, we need to
look at the ratio of population to arable land. With manual labor, as noted,
a hectare of maize-producing land can support only 4 people. Any country with
a larger ratio than that would be undergoing famine. The problem might be
relieved to some extent by international aid, but without fossil fuels for
transportation such international aid would be negligible. And this ratio is
for maize, a high-yield crop; we are also assuming that crops will not be
wasted by feeding them to livestock in large amounts.
In the present year of 2007, the world as a whole has a population-to-arable
ratio of slightly over 3:1. Conversely, less than a third of the worlds
200-odd countries actually pass that test, and many of those are countries
that have relatively low population density only because they have been
ravaged by war or other forms of political turmoil. The Arabian Peninsula,
most of eastern Asia, and most of the Pacific islands are far too crowded.
Even the UK scores badly at 11:1. If we meld UN figures [17] with those of
Gordon and Suzuki [9] and assume that the world population in 2030 will be
about 11 billion, then even fewer countries will be within that 4:1 ratio.
There might be serious conflicts between the haves and the have-nots, and
isolationism might be a common response.
Most of the worlds land is not suitable for agriculture. Either the soil is
not fertile or the climate is too severe. In most areas, if the soil is
really poor to begin with there is not much that can be done about it, at
least with the resources available in a survival situation.
Soil science is a complicated subject. Roughly speaking, however, good soil
contains both rock material and plant material (humus). The rock material
includes 16 elements of importance: boron, calcium, carbon, chlorine, copper,
hydrogen, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nitrogen, oxygen,
phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and zinc. (Actually the C, H, and O are mainly
from air or water.) The plant material (humus) acts in 3 ways: (1)
mechanically it holds air and water; (2) chemically it contains a large
amount of C, H, and O, and a little (frequently too little) of the other 13
elements; and (3) biologically it contains useful organisms.
Of the 16 elements, the most critical are phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and
especially nitrogen (N); calcium and magnesium are probably next in
importance. These elements might be abundant in the virgin soil before any
cultivation is done, but wherever crops are harvested a certain amount of the
3 critical elements is being removed. The usual solution is to add
fertilizer, which can be artificial or can come from such sources as rock
As Donald P. Hopkins [10] explained in 1948, (a) organic matter is not an
ideal substitute for (b) fertilizer (i.e. the 16 elements), nor is (b)
fertilizer an ideal substitute for (a) organic matter. A few centuries ago,
animal manure was high in N-P-K etc., but that is rarely the case today
unless the manure itself originates in feed that was artificially fertilized.
Nevertheless, in a survival situation, organic matter may be the only
available source of the essential elements.
Native people in many countries had a simple solution to the problem of
maintaining fertility: abandonment. No fertilizer was used, except for the
ashes from burned undergrowth and from burned crop residues. As a result, of
course, the soil became exhausted after a few years, so the fields were
abandoned and new ones were dug. Sometimes such a technique is called
"slash-and-burn." On a large scale the technique would mean leaving behind a
long string of what used to be called "worked-out farms." For a large
population, such a method would be impractical, in fact catastrophic. On a
very small scale, however, it might be all that is possible; in any case, the
abandoned spot would, over many years, revert to reasonably fertile land, at
least in terms of humus content, and there might be wild legumes to replace
the nitrogen.
Actually, if abandoned land is taken up again at a later date, the practice
of abandonment tends to overlap with that of fallowing, another practice to
be found in many societies. With the traditional European method of
fallowing, part the land is left to revert to grass and weeds for perhaps a
year before being plowed again.
A common partial solution to the N-P-K problem has been to turn crop waste
into compost and put it back onto the land. The problem with that technique,
however, is that one cannot create a perpetual-motion machine: every time the
compost is recycled, a certain amount of N-P-K is lost, mainly in the form of
human or farm-animal excrement, but also as direct leaching and evaporation.
One could recycle those wastes, but the recycling will always have a
diminishing return. Of the 3 most important elements, nitrogen is by far the
most subject to loss by leaching, but to some extent that can also happen
with phosphorus and potassium.
In the original "organic gardening" movement pioneered by Sir Albert Howard
in the early years of the 20th century, nothing but vegetable compost and
animal manure was allowed. In modern organic gardening, on the other hand, a
common technique is to replace lost elements by adding powdered rock,
particularly rock phosphate and granite dust. For "non-organic" gardeners and
farmers, the usual response to the problem of soil replenishment is to apply
artificial fertilizer, N-P-K largely derived from those same types of rock
used in organic gardening. (In fact, the use of rock powders in present-day
organic gardening sounds suspiciously like a drift toward artificial
fertilizers.) If the fragile international networks of civilization break
down, however, then neither rock powders nor artificial fertilizer will be
readily available. They are very much the products of civilization, requiring
a market system that ties together an entire country, or an entire world.
Writing early in the 20th century, F.H. King [11] claimed that farmers in
China, Japan, and Korea were managing to grow abundant crops on about 1/10 of
the cultivable land per capita as Americans, and that they had done so for
4,000 years. What was their secret? The answer, in part, is that most of
eastern Asia has an excellent climate, with rainfall most abundant when it is
most needed. More importantly, agriculture was sustained by the practice of
returning almost all waste to the soil even human excrement from the cities
was carried long distances to the farms. Various legumes, grown in the fields
between the planting of food crops, fixed atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.
Much of the annually depleted N-P-K, however, was replaced by taking
vegetation from the hillsides and mountains, and by the use of silt, which
was taken from the irrigation canals but which originated in the mountains.
The Asian system, therefore, was not a closed system, because it took
materials from outside the farms, and these materials came from areas of
naturally high fertility.
One way of determining when oil-based agriculture will be abandoned is
strictly economic: when it costs farmers more money to use machinery than to
use hand tools, they will go back to hand tools. In the study of Mexican
labor mentioned by Pimentel, "a total of 1,144 hours of labor was required to
raise a hectare of corn." Pimentel then compares that labor with the
mechanized corn production in the United States, telling us that "600 liters
of oil equivalents [for fuel, fertilizer, and pesticides] are required to
cultivate 1 ha of corn." The ratio of hours to liters therefore seems to be
approximately 2:1.
Modern grain-corn production in the US, however, results in yields of about
6,000 kg/ha, about 3 times as great as in the Mexican example. If we include
that factor of higher yield, the previous 2:1 ratio of hours/liters must
really be regarded as 6:1.
To discover whether mechanization is cost-effective, we must insert a number
for hourly wage. If the laborer is self-employed, however, the figure for
hourly wage seems purely imaginary: If costs are rising, for example, can the
laborers not simply pay themselves less? Only to a certain degree. The
laborers wage is often as little as it takes to keep body and soul together,
but anything less than that subsistence wage would make farming impossible.
The rise in the price of fuel, combined with the hourly wage, then,
determines the cut-off point for mechanized labor. When farmers pay
themselves a certain amount for 6 hours of work, but the price of fuel is
equal to that amount, the 6:1 ratio has been reached, and it would be
reasonable for the farmer to give up mechanization.
Two other factors must be included if we are to compare manual labor with
mechanization. Capital costs are higher with mechanization: a tractor must be
paid for, there are repairs to consider, and eventually the tractor must be
replaced. For now, however, let us assume that the laborer is working with a
minimum of equipment. Secondly, in spite of what was said above about
subsistence wages, farming income is higher in some countries than in others,
and the same can be said of fuel costs. Farmers in Mexico, with high fuel
costs and low wages, might be inclined to abandon mechanization sooner than
farmers in the United States.
Food, of course, can also be produced with the labor of horses or oxen, and
in fact many hours of human labor can thereby by saved. Even if animals are
fed only on forage, however, a good deal of land is needed for that purpose.
It is also questionable whether large numbers of horses or oxen could be bred
and distributed in the next few decades. There is also the question of
"alternative energy," in the sense of solutions involving advanced
technology, but such innovations would probably serve little purpose without
fossil fuels to provided at least an infrastructure [7,8].
What will be the price of gasoline in a few years time? ("Current dollars"
are used here; it is misleading to speak of "inflation-adjusted energy
prices," since it is mainly energy shortages that cause inflation in the
first place [3].) US gasoline prices increased over the quarter-century
before 2003 only at the same rate as the median income [16], with the
exception of some small deviations during periods of warfare. In recent
years, however, prices have risen by 18% per year [6]. With such a growth
trend, a gallon of US gasoline will cost $60 in 2025, and $140 in 2030,
although number-juggling of that sort soon becomes highly speculative.
For the sake of a thought-experiment, however, we might take a closer look at
those price projections. Let us recall the 6:1 ratio of hours-versus-liters
at which it is no longer cost-effective to use mechanization. A cost of
$140/gallon in 2030 would equal $36/liter. If 6 hours of labor should also
happen to cost $36, a sensible farmer would decide to give up mechanization
at that point. In countries poorer than the US, that cut-off point would
actually arrive well before the year 2030.
The other way of estimating a cut-off date for oil-based agriculture, of
course, is to look at predictions of the decline in global oil production.
According to the latest annual report of BP Global [1], "proved reserves" are
only 1.2 trillion barrels (excluding a little from Canadian tar sands),
although that figure inches up slightly from one annual report to another. A
trillion barrels of oil is not enough to stretch more than a few decades. A
continuation of an 18% annual increase in the cost of gasoline may seem
absurd, but that figure closely matches the likely bell curve for global oil
production: a decline from 30 billion barrels (5 barrels per person) in the
year 2000 to 11 billion barrels (1 barrel per person) in 2030 would be an
average annual decrease of 22%. It is not only gasoline prices and estimated
oil reserves that have an ominous chronological relationship: it is surely
not merely coincidental that there has recently been a spate of legislation,
in several countries, for ethanol and other biofuels, in spite of the
economic and ecological absurdity of such forms of "alternative energy."
1. BP Global Statistical Review of World Energy. Annual.
2. Bradley, Fern Marshall, and Barbara W. Ellis, eds. Rodales All-New
Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. Emmaus, Pennyslvania: Rodale, 1992.
3. Chin, Larry. "Peak Oil and the Inflation Lie." Global Research, May 19,
4. CIA World Factbook.
5. Davis, Adelle. Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit. Rev. ed. New York: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1970.
6. Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy. "Retail Motor
Gasoline and On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices, 1949-2006."
7. Goodchild, Peter. "Peak Oil and the Myth of Alternative Energy."
Countercurrents. Sept. 6, 2006.
8. -----. "Peak Oil and the Problem of Infrastructure." Countercurrents.
Sept. 29, 2006.
9. Gordon, Anita, and David Suzuki. Its a Matter of Survival. Toronto:
Stoddart, 1990.
10. Hopkins, Donald P. Chemicals, Humus, and the Soil. Brooklyn, NY: Chemical
Publishing, 1948.
11. King, F.H. Farmers of Forty Centuries. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Organic
Gardening, n.d.
12. Lappé, Frances Moore. Diet for a Small Planet. New York: Ballantine, 1971.
13. Logsdon, Gene. Small-Scale Grain Raising. Emmaus, Pennyslvania: Rodale,
14. Pimentel, David, and Carl W. Hall, eds. Food and Energy Resources.
Orlando, Florida: Academic P, 1984.
15. Thompson, Paul. "Which Countries Will Survive Best?"
16. United States Census Bureau. "Historical Income Tables Families." US
Government Printing Office, annual.
17. United Nations Population Fund. The State of the World Population.
Annual. New York: United Nations.
[Livingontheland] Agriculture In A Post-Oil Economy,
Tradingpost, 09/18/2009
- Re: [Livingontheland] Agriculture In A Post-Oil Economy, Tradingpost, 09/20/2009
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