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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] The War on Bugs

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] The War on Bugs
  • Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:59:04 -0700

this just in from Ken Hargesheimer <>

(more at )

The War on Bugs
*Phil Moore** **26/11/2008*

*The history of humankind might also be said to be the history of warfare.
>From Roman times to the present day, human conflict has been the hallmark of
our historical progression. But the fight against ourselves isn't the only
war we've embarked upon. *

Organic farmer Will Allen's beautifully illustrated and eye opening account
of the US War on Bugs is an incredible story of the 100 year war against
organic agriculture and small-scale farms - a war waged on two fronts: the
chemical attack on bugs and the war for the hearts and minds of the US

Allen's book charts the history of pesticides and reveals the collusion
between scientists, corporate chemical advertisers and farm magazines in the
promotion of chemicals in food production. Using a number of original
advertisements and photos to illustrate his case, Allen delves headlong into
the history of American farming, before embarking on a detailed look at the
farm journals and publications that led the way in changing the fate – and
land – of American farming. The introduction of guano fertiliser (literally
thousands of years old bird shit, mined from the Chincha Islands off the
coast of Peru), DDT, cyanide, arsenic, and methyl bromide read like a litany
of toxicological traumas. Yet the toxicological analysis of farm chemicals
is neither required to be on the labels or in the advertisements for the
products, Allen tells us. This and the anecdotal information about what
Allen calls 'the deep-seated acceptance of chemicals' amongst farmers makes
for fascinating reading.

Allen is particularly adept at stating his argument. Having trained as a
chemical warfare paramedic in the Marine Corps, lived with forest farmers in
Peru while studying anthropology at university, before eventually becoming a
full time farmer his detailed research and wealth of information is backed
by a keen sense of advocating change. When he states that the chemicals used
on crops are similar to the ones Saddam Hussein used on the Kurds in Iraq
and that were used in war in Vietnam it really makes you think.

But the counter-insurgency exists and Allen is careful to highlight the
attempts made to oppose what he calls 'the rural disaster'. Looking at the
organic farming and the anti-factory-farm movements, Allen sees hope and
opportunity for farmers to unhook themselves from their addiction to
poisonous chemicals.

An absolutely fascinating read that encompasses the cultural, technical and
economic challenges faced by US farmers, Allen's story is of one hell of a
drug trip, revealing the illusions – and dangers - perpetuated by such an
addiction, while indicting those who seek to gain from it. Mandatory reading
for anyone wishing to take a closer look at what's actually in their meal!

  • [Livingontheland] The War on Bugs, Tradingpost, 11/27/2008

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