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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Nitrogen madness

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Nitrogen madness
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 11:03:06 -0600

Nitrogen madness
The costs of unsustainable agriculture

Tom Philpott is right to highlight the tremendous ecological debt we've built
up by depending on nitrogen fertilizer to run our crop production system.
Depending on mined and fossil-fuel produced nitrogen for our food is no more
sustainable than depending on peaking oil and mountain-top removed coal for
our energy.

There's no more "cheap" food and fuel, because, really, there never was. The
huge irony -- currently obscured by the psychological jolt of widespread
shortages of food and fuel -- is that we were just learning of how not cheap
industrial food has been:

1. The Pew Foundation report on industrial livestock production tells the
U.S. public that environmental, human health, and livestock treatment
short-cuts that made factory farming seem like such a sweet way to get cheap
protein simply can't go on.

2. A global collection of analysts concluded earlier this year that
"advanced" farming using high-production technologies has failed to account
for the resulting human and environmental costs. Place-specific improvements
must take into account traditional wisdom, social implications, and basic
water and biodiversity impacts, said the International Assessment of
Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD).

3. Even after years of cajoling, state regulating, and badgering by
environmentalists, the more than 40,000 Pennsylvania farms located within the
Chesapeake Bay watershed discharge 46 percent of the nitrogen and 58 percent
of the phosphorus in these waterways. They're facing stronger regulation, but
no new paradigm of how to produce the crops and meat their buyers demand.

Regenerative organic farming does not use synthetic chemical fertilizer -- a
product without residual benefit -- depending instead on a biologically
vibrant soil ecosystem that makes timed-release nitrogen available to crops.

Important parts of this system are:

* Legume crops that interact synergistically with specific soil bacteria
to convert free nitrogen from the atmosphere into forms that crops can
* Crop rotations to balance fertility needs from year to year;
* Cover crops which are incorporated into field surface to increase soil
organic matter;
* Compost (made from crop residue, animal manures, and other organic
matter) as a soil amendment to improve soil health and biological activity.

It's like Thomas Friedman said recently of the "big idea" to suspend the
18.4-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax this summer: "[This] proposal is a reminder
to me that the biggest energy crisis we have in our country today is the
energy to be serious -- the energy to do big things in a sustained, focused
and intelligent way. We are in the midst of a national political brownout."

We, as a country, have not yet begun to fight for a more sane way to grow the
food we need to feed ourselves and to have our farms prosper. The crisis of
nitrogen fertilizer supply and affordability is real, but the biggest part of
the answer is not to haul or manufacture tons more to support our corn habit,
but to simply ask:

What food and feed crops would do better on the fertility we can grow in ways
that improve soil, don't pollute as much, and keep lots more carbon in the
soil that non-organic methods?

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