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[Livingontheland] A Roadmap to Eating with the Seasons by Barbara Kingsolver
- From: "TradingPostPaul" <>
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- Subject: [Livingontheland] A Roadmap to Eating with the Seasons by Barbara Kingsolver
- Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:01:52 -0600
A Roadmap to Eating with the Seasons
by Barbara Kingsolver
Published in the March/April 2007 issue of Orion magazine
broken the shackles of our food chain and walked right out of it. If we
dont know beans about beans, that may be fine with us. Asparagus,
potatoes, turkey drumsticksyou name it, most of us here in America
dont have a clue how the world makes it. Sometimes I think Im
exaggerating the scope of the problem, and then Ill encounter an editor
(at a well-known nature magazine) whos nixing the part of my story that
refers to pineapples growing from the ground. She insisted they grew on
trees. Or, Ill have a conversation like this one:
Whats new on the farm? asked a friend of mine, a lifelong city
dweller and gourmet cook who likes for me to keep her posted by phone. This
particular conversation was in early spring, so I told her what was up in
the garden: peas, potatoes, spinach.
Wait a minute, she said. When you say, the potatoes are up,
what do you mean? She paused, reformulating her question: What part
of a potato comes up?
Um, the plant part, I said. The stems and leaves.
Wow, she said. I never knew a potato had a plant part.
Most people of my grandparents generation had an intuitive sense of
agricultural basics: when various fruits and vegetables come into season,
which ones keep through the winter, how to preserve the others. On what day
autumns frost will likely fall on their county, and when to expect the
last one in spring. Which crops can be planted before the last frost, and
which must wait. What animals and vegetables thrive in ones immediate
region and how to live well on those, with little else thrown into the mix
beyond a bag of flour, a pinch of salt, and a handful of coffee. Few people
of my generation, and approximately none of our children, could answer any
of those questions, let alone all of them. This knowledge has largely
vanished from our culture.
If potatoes can surprise some part of their audience by growing leaves, it
may not have occurred to most people that lettuce has a flower part, too.
It does. They all do. Virtually all non-animal foods we eat come from
flowering plants. Exceptions are mushrooms, seaweeds, and pine nuts. If
other exotic edibles exist that you call food, I salute you.
Flowering plants, known botanically as angiosperms, evolved from ancestors
similar to our modern-day conifers. The flower is a handy reproductive
organ that came into its own during the Cretaceous era, right around the
time when dinosaurs were for whatever reason getting downsized. In the
millions of years since then, flowering plants have established themselves
as the most conspicuously successful terrestrial lifeforms ever, having
moved into every kind of habitat, in infinite variations. Flowering plants
are key players in all the worlds ecotypes: the deciduous forests, the
rainforests, the grasslands. They are the desert cacti and the tundra
scrub. Theyre small and theyre large, they fill swamps and tolerate
drought, they have settled into most every niche in every kind of place. It
only stands to reason that we would eat them.
Flowering plants come in packages as different as an oak tree and a violet,
but they all have a basic life history in common. They sprout and leaf out;
they bloom and have sex by somehow rubbing one flowers boy stuff against
anothers girl parts. Since they cant engage in hot pursuit, they lure
a third party, such as bees, into the sexual actor else (depending on
species) wait for the wind. From that union comes the blessed event, babies
made, in the form of seeds cradled inside some form of fruit. Finally,
sooner or laterbecause after that, whats the point anymore?they
die. Among the plants known as annuals, this life history is accomplished
all in a single growing season, commonly starting with spring and ending
with frost. The plant waits out the winter in the form of a seed, safely
protected from weather, biding its time until conditions are right for
starting over again.
Excluding the small fraction of our diet supplied by perennialsour tree
fruits, berries, and nutswe consume annuals. Our vegetal foods may be
leaves, buds, fruits, grains, or other seed heads, but each comes to us
from some point along this same continuum, the code all annual plants must
live by. No variations are allowed. They cant set fruit, for example,
before they bloom. As obvious as this may seem, its easy enough to
forget in a supermarket culture where the plant stages constantly present
themselves in random order. And thats just the beginning. Biology
teachers face kids in classrooms who may not even believe in the
metamorphosis of bud to flower to fruit and seed, but rather, in some
continuum of pansies becoming petunias becoming chrysanthemums because
thats the reality they witness as landscapers come to city parks and
surreptitiously yank one flower before it fades from its prime, replacing
it with another.
The same disconnection from natural processes may be at the heart of our
countrys shift away from believing in evolution. In the past, principles
of natural selection and change over time made sense to kids whod
watched it all unfold. Whether or not they knew the terminology, farm
families understood the processes well enough to imitate them: culling,
selecting, and improving their herds and crops. For modern kids who
intuitively believe in the spontaneous generation of fruits and vegetables
in the produce section, trying to get their minds around the slow
speciation of the plant kingdom may be a stretch. The process by which
vegetables come into season may appear, in this context, as random as the
But it isnt. Heres how it goes. First come the leaves: spinach, kale,
lettuce, and chard (at my latitude, this occurs in April and May). Then
more mature heads of leaves and flower heads: cabbage, romaine, broccoli,
and cauliflower (May - June). Then tender young fruit-set: snow peas, baby
squash, cucumbers (June), followed by green beans, green peppers, and small
tomatoes (July). Then more mature, colorfully ripened fruits: beefsteak
tomatoes, eggplants, red and yellow peppers (late July - August). Then the
large, hard-shelled fruits with developed seeds inside: cantaloupes,
honeydews, watermelons, pumpkins, winter squash (August - September). Last
come the root crops, and so ends the produce parade.
To recover an intuitive sense of what will be in season throughout the
year, picture an imaginary plant that bears over the course of one growing
season all the different vegetable products we can harvest. Well call it
a vegetannual. Picture its life passing before your eyes like a time-lapse
film: first, in the cool early spring, shoots poke up out of the ground.
Small leaves appear, then bigger leaves. As the plant grows up into the
sunshine and the days grow longer, flower buds will appear, followed by
small green fruits. Under midsummers warm sun, the fruits grow larger,
riper, and more colorful. As days shorten into the autumn, these mature
into hard-shelled fruits with appreciable seeds inside. Finally, as the
days grow cool, the vegetannual may hoard the sugars its leaves have made,
pulling them down into a storage unit of some kind: a tuber, bulb, or root.
Plainly, all the vegetables we consume dont come from the same plant,
but each comes from a plant, thats the pointa plant predestined to
begin its life in the spring and die in the fall. (A few, like onions and
carrots, are attempting to be biennials but well ignore that for now.)
What we choose to eat from each type of vegetable plant must come in its
turnleaves, buds, flowers, green fruits, ripe fruits, hard
fruitsbecause that is the necessary order of things for an annual plant.
For the life of them, they cant do it differently.
Some minor deviations and a bit of overlap are allowed, but in general,
picturing an imaginary vegetannual plant is a pretty reliable guide to what
will be in season, wherever you live. If you find yourself eating a
watermelon in April, you can count back three months and imagine a place
warm enough in January for this plant to have launched its destiny. Mexico
maybe, or southern California. Chile is also a possibility. If youre
inclined to think this way, consider all of the resources it took to
transport a finicky fruit the size of a human toddler to your door, from
that locale.
Our gardening forebears meant watermelon to be the juicy, barefoot taste of
a hot summers end, just as a pumpkin is the trademark fruit of late
October. Most of us accept the latter, and limit our jack-o-lantern
activities to the proper botanical season. Waiting for a watermelon is
harder. Its tempting to reach for melons, red peppers, tomatoes, and
other late-summer delights before the summer even arrives. But its
actually possible to wait, celebrating each season when it comes, not
fretting about its being absent at all other times because something else
good is at hand.
If many of us would view this style of eating as deprivation, thats only
because weve grown accustomed to the botanically outrageous condition of
having everything, always; this may be the closest thing we have right now
to a distinctive national cuisine. Well-heeled North American epicures are
likely to gather around a table where whole continents collide discreetly
on a white tablecloth: New Zealand lamb with Italian porcinis, Peruvian
asparagus, Mexican lettuce and tomatoes, and a hearty French Bordeaux. The
date on the calendar is utterly irrelevant.
Ive enjoyed my share of such meals, but Im beginning at least to
notice when Im consuming the United Nations of edible plants and animals
all in one seating (or the WTO is more like it). On a winters day not
long ago I was served a sumptuous meal like this, finished off with a
dessert of raspberries. Because they only grow in temperate zones, not the
tropics, these would have come from somewhere deep in the Southern
Hemisphere. I was amazed that such small, eminently bruisable fruits could
survive a zillion-mile trip looking so good (I myself look pretty wrecked
after a mere red-eye from California), and I mumbled some reserved awe over
that fact.
I think my hostess was amused by my country-mouse naïveté. This is
New York, she assured me. We can get anything we want, any day of the
So it is. And I dont wish to be ungracious, but we get it at a price.
Most of that is not measured in money, but in untallied debts that will be
paid by our children in the currency of extinctions, economic unravelings,
and global climate change. I do know its impolite to raise such
objections at the dinner table. Seven raspberries are not (Ill try to
explain someday to my grandkids) the end of the world. I ate them and said
thank you."But Im continually amazed by the manner in which were
allowed to steal from future generations, while commanding them not to do
that to us, and rolling our eyes at anyone who is tediously PC enough to
point this out. The conspicuous consumption of limited resources has yet to
be accepted widely as a spiritual error, or even bad manners.
Its not that our culture is unacquainted with the idea of food as a
spiritually loaded commodity. Were just particular about which spiritual
arguments well accept as valid for declining certain foods. Generally
unacceptable reasons: environmental destruction, energy waste, the
poisoning of workers. Acceptable: its prohibited by a holy text. Set
down a platter of country ham in front of a rabbi, an imam, and a Buddhist
monk, and you may have just conjured three different visions of damnation.
Guests with high blood pressure may add a fourth. Is it such a stretch,
then, to make moral choices about food based on the global consequences of
its production and transport? In a country where 5 percent of the worlds
population glugs down a quarter of all the fuel, also belching out that
much of the worlds pollution, weve apparently made big choices about
consumption. They could be up for review.
The business of importing foods across great distances is not, by its
nature, a boon to Third World farmers, but its very good business for
oil companies. Transporting a single calorie of a perishable fresh fruit
from California to New York takes about eighty-seven calories worth of
fuel. Thats as efficient as driving from Philadelphia to Annapolis and
back in order to walk three miles on a treadmill in a Maryland gym. There
may be people whod do it. Pardon me while I ask someone else to draft my
energy budget.
In many social circles its ordinary for hosts to accommodate vegetarian
guests, even if theyre carnivores themselves. Maybe the world would
likewise become more hospitable to diners who are queasy about
fuel-guzzling foods, if that preference had a name. Petrolophobes?
Seasonaltarians? Lately Ive begun seeing the term locavores,"and I
like it: both scientifically and socially descriptive, with just the right
hint of livin la vida loca.
Slow Food International has done a good job of putting a smile on this
eating style, rather than a pious frown, even while sticking to the
quixotic agenda of fighting overcentralized agribusiness. The engaging
strategy of the Slowies (their logo is a snail) is to celebrate what we
have, standing up for the pleasures that seasonal eating can bring. They
have their work cut out for them, as the American brain trust seems mostly
blank on that subject. Consider the frustration of the man who wrote in to
a syndicated food columnist with this complaint: having studied the new
food pyramid brought to us by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines folks (impossible
to decipher but bless them, they do keep trying), he had his marching
orders for 2 cups of fruit, 2- cups of vegetables a day. So he
marched down to his grocery and bought (honest to Pete) eighty-three plums,
pears, peaches, and apples. Outraged, he reported that virtually the entire
lot was rotten, mealy, tasteless, juiceless, or hard as a rock and refusing
to ripen.
Given the date of the column, this had occurred in January or February. The
gentleman lived in Frostburg, Maryland, where they would still have been
deeply involved in a thing called winter. Im sure he didnt really
think tasty, tree-ripened plums, peaches, and apples were hanging outside
ripe for the picking in the orchards around . . . um, Frost-burg. Probably
he didnt think orchard at allhow many of us do, in the same
sentence with fruit?"Our dietary guidelines come to us without a road
Concentrating on local foods means thinking of fruit invariably as the
product of an orchard, and a winter squash as the fruit of a late autumn
farm. Its a strategy that will keep grocery money in the neighborhood,
where it gets recycled into your own school system and local businesses.
The green spaces surrounding your town stay green, and farmers who live
nearby get to grow more food next year, for you. This also happens to be a
win-win strategy for anyone with taste buds. It begins with rethinking a
position that is only superficially about deprivation. Citizens of frosty
worlds unite, and think about marching past the off-season fruits: you have
nothing to lose but your mealy, juiceless, rock-hard and refusing to ripen.
Locally grown is a denomination whose meaning is incorruptible. Sparing the
transportation fuel, packaging, and unhealthy additives is a compelling
part of the story. But the plot goes beyond that. Local food is a handshake
deal in a community gathering place. It involves farmers with first names,
who show up at the market week after week. It involves consumers who
remember that to be human is to belong to a food chain, wherever and
whenever we find ourselves alive. It means remembering the truest of all
truths: we are what we eat. Stepping slowly backward out of a fuel-driven
industry of highly transported foods will alter more than a persons
grocery list. Such small, stepwise changes in personal habits arent
trivial. Ultimately, they will add up to the story of who we were on this
planet: what it took to keep us alive, what we left behind.
Barbara Kingsolver, author of ten books, was awarded the National
Humanities Medal in 2000. Her article in this issue is adapted from her new
book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, coauthored with her
husband, Steven Hopp, and her daughter Camille. It will be published by
HarperCollins in May 2007 and is used here by permission.
- [Livingontheland] A Roadmap to Eating with the Seasons by Barbara Kingsolver, TradingPostPaul, 07/22/2007
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