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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] Fwd: Impact of the Buy Local Movement on the Global Food Industry

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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] Fwd: Impact of the Buy Local Movement on the Global Food Industry
  • Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:27:47 -0700

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>FYI -
>>The impact of the ‘buy local’ movement on the global food industry
>>** 47-page PDF - available only to members **
>>In October 1999, the global population reached six billion
>>people. Current agricultural, food production, processing
>>and distribution systems stretch to provide sustenance for
>>these numbers. But by the year 2020, the world's
>>population will explode to an estimated 7.5 billion.
>>Current agriculture food systems, including rangelands,
>>croplands and marine fisheries, average an annual global
>>yield rate of approximately 2.449%, while researchers
>>estimate the rate must reach 4% to satisfy the world's
>>ever-growing population. Because of increasing demands on
>>natural resources and agriculture systems associated with
>>the rising world population, producers, retailers,
>>researchers and consumers alike must engage in sustainable
>>agriculture practices. In the global economy the distance
>>a food travels from the origin of production to the point
>>of sale, called "food miles", is steadily increasing. In
>>contrast to the proliferation of these vast "food miles"
>>is the local-foods movement, a grassroots effort to
>>encourage consumers to think about where and how their
>>food is produced.
>>Members - to download this and your 23 other management
>>briefings, go to:
>>Non-members - to join now, and claim your
>>extra month's membership, go to:

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  • [Livingontheland] Fwd: Impact of the Buy Local Movement on the Global Food Industry, Tradingpost, 12/06/2004

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