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[Livingontheland] Can we count on our food supply?
- From: "Tradingpost" <>
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- Subject: [Livingontheland] Can we count on our food supply?
- Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 10:50:59 -0600
"Whether or not food is about to run low for everyone, some changes would
increase the quality of life in rich and poor countries alike. Healthy eating
is one; eating local foods is another."
The Globe and Mail
Can we count on our food supply?
Western droughts, paved-over farms, a growing appetite for foods sent over
long distances -- let's season our intake with more common sense, says
UPDATED AT 12:05 PM EDT Monday, Jun 7, 2004
Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute has once again warned of looming
food scarcity: Measured against consumption, there's just 59 days' worth of
grain, according to some reports. "The chances of farmers digging their way
out of this hole are less than one in 10," he says.
This has been a refrain of environmentalists since the 1972 warning by Club
of Rome scientists that finite resources in a growing world will lead to
collapse. Does the recent series of poor harvests mean impending disaster?
It's important to be wary of single scary numbers like "59 days of food
supply." Harvests in Northern and Southern hemispheres replenish stores at
least twice a year, and politics determines who holds stocks.
It may be more sobering to note that only a few days' supply are in cities at
any moment. Food is in constant motion across the globe. Any change in
transport, such as fuel prices, immediately affects prices. Breakdown would
be disastrous.
Panic isn't warranted -- but concern is. Agriculture has fed an increasing
population -- so far. Industrial agriculture was pioneered in North America
and exported to the world. But in the past 50 years, for the first time since
agriculture began, a minority of the world's population works on farms. Big
changes have taken place in how humans use the earth and how we eat.
More than half the world's agricultural land suffers moderate to extreme soil
degradation. Climate change will certainly make yields unpredictable in
future, if not already. Grain supplies may not keep up, even as population
growth levels off.
More people in the global South are adopting meat-intensive diets. In Canada,
animals eat more than three-quarters of all grain consumed (not counting
exports). China feed animals less than one-quarter of its grain. It takes
1,000 times as much water to produce a pound of beef as it does a pound of
Critics of Mr. Brown's position can argue that apart from war zones, more
people have food than ever before. The World Health Organization recently
proclaimed obesity to be a global epidemic, not just for rich countries or
privileged consumers. Diabetes and coronary heart disease are skyrocketing in
parts of the global South, even as the worst deficiencies shrink.
Shouldn't we celebrate a "nutrition transition" that has caused problems of
underconsumption to be replaced by problems of overconsumption?
Instead of criticizing or defending Mr. Brown's position, let's take two
angles on the complex challenge for the global food system to feed the world.
First is global sourcing and marketing. U.K. food analyst Tim Lang created
"food miles" as a unit to measure how far food moves before it reaches the
kitchen table. Costs of sea freight have fallen 70 per cent since 1980, and
air freight falls 3- to 4-per-cent a year, so it's profitable for many
countries to export and import the same product. Canada exports 98,000 tons
and imports 54,000 tons of milk, which 50 years ago would all have been local.
It may seem less absurd to import fruits and vegetables to cold countries.
Yet one kilogram of asparagus sent from Chile to New York takes 73 kg of fuel
energy and contributes 4.7 kg of carbon dioxide to global warming.
FoodShare Toronto, in a study by Stephen Bentley, compared foodmiles
travelled by similar items at the Dufferin Grove farmer's market and across
the street at the Dufferin Mall No-Frills supermarket. The study compared
pears shipped 5,887 kilometres from Washington via Los Angeles to the ones
that came 58 km from Milton, Ont., and lamb chops that travelled 72 km from
Flamborough to Dufferin Grove Park with those that made a 13,882-km. journey
from New Zealand to Dufferin Mall. The foodmiles average of the supermarket
items was more than 5,000 times greater than the same items in the farmer's
market. The study calculated energy used and greenhouse-gas emissions,
depending on how food was transported, and found the imports to be on average
almost 400 times greater.
A second novel characteristic of the food system is changing diets. Diseases
of overconsumption, such as gout, once afflicted kings who could afford
"rich" food -- fatty food from expensive meat and butter -- in huge
quantities. Now a 99-cent burger is about the cheapest meal around in Canada
because the price doesn't include ecological or health costs.
In the 19th century, farm products passed through the industrial system that
created white bread and canned goods. Now, a few corporations invent the tens
of thousands of edible commodities on supermarket shelves.
Along with animal products, this is the reason that fats and sugars account
for more than one- third of the calories eaten daily in North America, but
less than 10 per cent of calories consumed each day in China.
Why should people trade too few calories for diets causing chronic disease?
It is what we have done in rich countries, and now our health systems are
suffering from the crushing weight of helping people live with diabetes,
heart disease and the rest.
Nutritionists are beginning to argue that low- and middle-income countries
can skip this phase if they learn from our mistakes, as well as our
successes. If they promote diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables, they'll
save a lot of stress on agriculture and health services.
Whether or not food is about to run low for everyone, some changes would
increase the quality of life in rich and poor countries alike. Healthy eating
is one; eating local foods is another. And to ensure local food is available,
let's protect our richest farmland from being used for gravel pits and
monster homes.
Harriet Friedmann is a professor of sociology specializing in analysis of
food systems, with the Munk Centre for International Studies at the
University of Toronto.
- [Livingontheland] Can we count on our food supply?, Tradingpost, 06/08/2004
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