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internetworkers - JOB: Web site for Arts Council

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  • From: Paul Jones <pjones AT>
  • To: internetworkers AT
  • Subject: JOB: Web site for Arts Council
  • Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 14:10:37 -0500 (EST)

The NC Arts Council is looking for someone to create a WWW site concerning
a visiting Chicano writer. They had one group ready ot work on it and then
things fell apart. If you or your company are interested, please contact
Debbie and Anne (and if you'd drop a note to me so I know that someone is
on the case, I'd appreciate it).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:06:47 -0500
From: Debbie McGill <debbie.mcgill AT>
Cc: 'Anne Logan' <aalogan AT>

As promised.

There are lots of bells and whistles in XXXXXX's proposal that we
could dispense with. Bare bones:
1. Is it possible to establish by Monday a website address for the
project that could go on the poster, going to press early next week?
Website content:
2. Post a bio of Luis, some examples of his work, a general description
of the residency, and calendar info for each site: in English and
Spanish, of course. We'd provide the copy.
3. Luis was a Lannan fellow and I'm pretty sure we can get permission
from Lannan to include the video they did of him (reading; interview),
crediting Lannan, of course, unless that's too much work for the $1,000
we can pay.

Would you get in touch with Anne and let her know what's possible? Most
urgent is getting the address in time to print it on the poster. Anne's
number is 942-9768.
Thanks, Paul!

--- Begin Message ---
  • From: Debbie McGill <debbie.mcgill AT>
  • To: paul_jones AT
  • Cc: 'Anne Logan' <aalogan AT>
  • Subject: [Fwd: Word Wide]
  • Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:45:42 -0400
We can put at least $1,000 into this and, depending on how the grant
money comes in, as much as $4,500. Thanks for looking for someone to
take this project on. The description of the website Steve Snow
envisioned follows the message to Todd, who's too busy for us.

One component of the website that we probably ought to forget about is
online chat time with Luis Rodriguez while he's here. He'll be so busy,
I don't see how he'd have time to fit that in, too.

We have a 60-minute videotape of a reading and interview Luis did for
the Lannan Foundation a few years ago. It would be great to include
some or all of that on the site; I don't think permission from Lannan
will be a problem.

I'll look forward to hearing from you.
All best,
--- Begin Message ---
  • From: Anne Logan Clark <aalogan AT>
  • To: stabley AT
  • Cc: debbie.mcgill AT
  • Subject: Word Wide
  • Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:29:28 -0400
Hi Todd--

I got your name from Debbie McGill, who said you were doing a website for the NCAC.  I'm administering Word Wide, a literary residency project, that will take place from January through April, 2000.  I've included a paragraph describing the project further down in this message.  Charlotte's Web, a community network based in Charlotte, had agreed to set up and administer a web site for Word Wide, but now is unable to keep that commitment.

I was wondering if you had any suggestions of who to contact about setting up a website for us, or if you would be willing to consider setting one up for us.  I have included the proposal from Charlotte's Web so you can see what they were planning.  Don't let this scare you off, though.  At this point, we would be happy with a much scaled-down version.  From what I understand from the new executive director of Charlotte's Web, they wouldn't have been capable of providing a web site that was this advanced, anyway.

As you can see from the proposal, we were going to contribute some cash for the website and they were willing to provide some in-kind services.  Ideally, we would like to have this arrangement with whomever sets up the website.  We won't find out about the majority of our funding until November or December, so we won't know how much we can budget for the website until then, but we were hoping to at least set up a very basic website, regardless.

Could you respond back to me soon with your thoughts on how and with whom we should proceed? 


Anne Clark

Word Wide: Writers of the Americas will bring a Chicano writer to North Carolina in the spring of 2000 for a ten-week residency in nine sites across the state. The project is sponsored by the North Carolina Literary Consortium (NCLC), a recently-established partnership of ten organizations, composed of college and university-sponsored writers’ readings series, Latino service organizations, and other arts and service organizations.  The writer whom the NCLC has selected to fulfill the residency is Luis Rodríguez, who lives in Chicago, Illinois.  He is a nationally known writer who has received a Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Writer’s Award, a Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship, a Dorothea Lange/Paul Taylor Prize, a National Association for Poetry Therapy Public Service Award, and fellowships from the Illinois Arts Council.  He has been active for many years in community-based arts workmost recently through his affiliation with the Guild Complex, a major literary organization based in Chicago.  He also founded and administers a pressTia Chuchawhich specializes in the work of Latino writers, and he has extensive experience in residency work with both children and adults.  During the Word Wide residency, Mr. Rodríguez will conduct workshops, public readings, activities in classrooms, and outreach programs in cooperation with other writers, scholars, and educators from the nine-plus communities that he will visit.      

Charlotte's Web participation in Word Wide
Charlotte's Web is a regional communications network using the Internet
to provide enhanced communications and information sharing. While our
primary focus is a 14-county area that reaches into South Carolina,
because we are on the Internet, our content is available to anyone in the
world. Indeed, we have visitors from 55 nations and all 50 states.
Charlotte's Web sees Word Wide as not only an opportunity to share poetry
and writing but also a chance to deepen cultural understanding,
especially between Latino and non-Latino populations. In the
Charlotte area alone, there are more than 30,000 Latinos, whose life,
culture and literature are essentially invisible to the larger community,
except for the growing interest in Latino cuisine.
By using the World Wide Web and the Internet, we can do much to provide
broader, more diverse access and participation in Luis Rodreguez's
residency -- for ALL citizens.
We also see this as an opportunity to provide a model for future such
residencies, employing sound and innovative electronic technology "to
bring into the circle" many who otherwise would be excluded.
Extending the reach of the project is possible not just because of
the Internet, but also because of our own broad public access -- we have
direct public access in Mecklenburg, Iredell and Union counties and in
April will extend direct access to Rowan, and Gaston counties --
including more than 400 Community Access PCs either as stand-alone
computers or community-based networks. We also collaborate with Community
Networks in three other sections of North Carolina -- the Research
Triangle, Wilmington and Asheville -- sharing deployment of web-based
instruction and capacity-building through such projects as The Electronic
Neighborhood and Open Studio: The Arts Online.
Here is some of the technology we propose to bring to this exciting project.
1. A highly interactive, bi-lingual World Wide Web site. This will be a
"browser-independent" site, one that makes the best use of advanced web
technology while sensing and delivering to visitors information based on
their individual browser type. This allows us, through a single site, to
serve all levels of browsing capability, from the fastest connections to
the slowest. Components will include:
a. Constant updating (daily) of content on the site.
b. A special place for children to compose and post poetry and
other writings, based on the highly successful "KidPub" model.
c. Video and audio clips of readings and presentations, using
RealAudio and RealVideo streaming, for which we have full capability.
d. Live "chats" with Mr. Rodriguez. These interactive discussions
will give citizens who can't attend his public presentations
a chance to ask questions and learn more about literature and the
creative writing process from him. We will be using eShare
technology for these live "discussions". eShare's technology
is recognized as among the best in the world and recently was
purchased by America Online as the main "engine" for its chat
software. You can preview this software at .
e. Themed topics and bulletin boards for "asynchronous" discussions
and information sharing. Here again, we will use the powerful
eShare technology, for which we have a 2,500 simultaneous-user
license. These discussions, along with the chats, will be archived
on the site and will be available to citizens long after Mr.
Rodriguez has returned to Chicago.
f. Experiments in live video-casting and audio-casting. Recent
developments in real-time streaming of audio and video on the
Internet have reduced the cost and improved the quality of this kind
of live broadcasting. We have been experimenting with
Microsoft's "NetMeeting" software for distance learning in the
Open Studio project and believe that coupled with video cameras
and web connections, we can mount several live demonstrations of
Mr. Rodriguez's readings and even allow citizens to interact with
him in real time using this technology.
g. A scrapbook, with maps, photos, audio and video that tracks with
each of Mr. Rodriguez's stops.
h. An interactive posting area that will allow more "serious" poets
an opportunity to post their work for other people to see,
appreciate and discuss -- and also will provide Mr. Rodriguez
with opportunities to add his comments to the work, as well.
i. An interweaving of cultural foundation in the web space. It is
difficult, if not impossible, to understand creative work
without some understanding of the cultural context from which it
speings. We will work with the NCLC staff to build in appropriate
World Wide Web content and links to other content that adds that
dimension to the wite.
j. We will work with the NCLC staff to develop some online "quizes"
that citizens can take -- at different levels -- to test their
knowledge of Latino literature and culture.
2. An easy-sign-up electronic mailing list, or listserver. Listservers use
the most powerful of all Internet technologies -- electronic mail. In
addition to posting calendar and other information about programs and
topics on the web site, the mailing list will provide an additional way
for citizens to share in the project, learn about updates to the web
site and participate in the community-building that comes when people
with shared interests communicate online.
3. Part of our promotional activities will involve engaging the media in
listing the site on their web sites and alerting their viewers and
readers to new events. We also will engage in direct promoting with
Latino media and associations.
4. One additional note: World Wide Web technology is constantly changing
and growing. It is quite likely that additional technologies will become
available to us -- new technological approaches to information sharing
and involvement -- of which we're currently unaware; the technology
really does change that rapidly.
Costs for "E-Word Wide":
Initial web architecture, design and development $5,000 1,000+
Maintenance and ongoing web site development 3,000 1,000+
InterNic Domain Registration ( 70 0
50 MB web space 1,000 1,000*
Interactive programming components (forms, etc.) 4,000 2,000
Software use, management/maintenance for chats & forums 2,000 500
Use of NetMeeting interactive connectivity & software 2,000 1,000**
Setup, maintenance, management of E-mail list 200 200
Project coordination 3,000 1,500
Promotion on the WWW, media marketing 3,000 3,000
SUB-TOTALS 23,070 10,200
MATCH - 10,200
+This includes all HTML coding, integrated site design, scanning, sizing and
placement of images and content.
*This guarantees availability of the project for a FULL YEAR after the
residency is completed.
**This requires considerable coordination with remote sites and is
dependent on the availability of some basic equipment most notably a
camcorder and access to a video projector (most libraries will have these).
This cost is based on four (4) NetMeeting "productions".
Stephen Snow | 119 E. Seventh St. |
Executive Director | Charlotte, NC 28202 | JOIN The Association FOR
Charlotte's Web | [V] (704) 332-5778 | Community Networking:
shsnow AT | [F] (704) 332-4752 | 1996-97 National Information Infrastructure/GII Community Award Winner

--- End Message ---
tel;work:919-733-2111, ext. 22
org:North Carolina Arts Council;Department of Cultural Resources
email;internet:debbie.mcgill AT
title:Literature/Public Media Director
note:Opinions expressed in this message may not represent those of my agency.
adr;quoted-printable:;;MSC #4632=0D=0A;Raleigh;NC;27699-4632;US
fn:Debbie McGill

--- End Message ---
tel;work:919-733-2111, ext. 22
org:North Carolina Arts Council;Department of Cultural Resources
email;internet:debbie.mcgill AT
title:Literature/Public Media Director
note:Opinions expressed in this message may not represent those of my agency.
adr;quoted-printable:;;MSC #4632=0D=0A;Raleigh;NC;27699-4632;US
fn:Debbie McGill

  • JOB: Web site for Arts Council, Paul Jones, 11/12/1999

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