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  • From: Padruig <rayzentz AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Update
  • Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 10:32:11 -0500

Cool, Don. Good luck in your new place. We too are searching for a place to
buy, and while we are not looking for as large a place as you have, we are
planning on an acre or so, so we can plant a small orchard, and have a big
garden. Tough to find within a reasonable drive distance to work.


Dr. Raymond Zentz

It is better to die a free man, than to live, a slave.

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Bowen <don.bowen AT>
To: Homestead_Friends AT; homestead AT;
brierpatch AT
Sent: Wed, Dec 22, 2010 7:55 am
Subject: [Homestead] Update

I thought as the end of the year approaches I would update everyone. It has
been a very busy year as most of you know, very busy indeed. The first three
months were spent going though stuff and searching the Internet for a place
in Missouri. My wife was shoved into retirement by he school district so she
had that to deal with.

In early April we took a trip to Missouri where I have spent several summers
meeting people and getting to know the area. We looked at several places
within our very narrow price range but came away disappointed every time. It
was either junk or over priced. Then when we were getting ready to leave a
place came available, a place I knew about and had discussed before. It was a
little more than I wanted to spend but it had almost everything else we
wanted. So we agreed to buy it and set things in motion. A week later he
backed out.

So, back to the Internet searches and making plans to come back when school
was out to search some more. While looking an interesting place popped up in
the listings. It had been way out of my price range which is why I had not
noticed it before. The owner is ill and wanted to settle things so dropped
the price by S40K. I had some friends take a look and their comment was "If
you don't buy it we will!" They sent pictures and descriptions and we liked
what we saw. We made the necessary dance moves and the place was on hold
until I could come out to see it.

I flew into Springfield in early May and drove down to see the place. It was
everything we wanted, location, house size, sewing room, shop, etc. The price
was a little more than the place we almost bought but the difference was less
than what we would have had to spend to get that one to where we wanted it. I
signed papers, give them money and returned home to get ready for the move.

Here are pictures of the place:

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