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homestead - Re: [Homestead] goat meat questions answered

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] goat meat questions answered
  • Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 15:26:15 -0500

jmroll AT wrote:
Bev: We are not from Cullman but Jasper, Al (about 30 miles south). Thanks for the goat meat tips. The best seems to prepared it like we do deer meat. We have more deer than goats. Good help from Ya'll folks.

Yes, I think goats are much more like deer than any other domesticated
animal when it comes to butchering and taste. I know for lamb, I want
the fat, but not for deer and goats. I just realized that my sig file no
longer says where I am(duh), so just to let you know, I am over in NW
Georgia, Armuchee area. We, too, are overrun with deer.
For Christmas I got my Navy son a Ruger .308, bolt action rifle. He's
going to leave it here when he heads back to Pearl next week. He put a
nice scope on it-costs more than the rifle itself, and has been hunting
everyday since. He shot one two days ago, but we never found it despite
a blood trail leading off our property. We think a neighbor got
it.(long story)

Bevanron of EarthNSky Farm Sleep well tonight, for somewhere in the
ocean's depths, MY son is protecting YOUR freedom.

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