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freetds - Re: [freetds] FreeTDS Crash: free(): invalid next size (fast)

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  • From: Randy Syring <randy AT>
  • To: freetds AT
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] FreeTDS Crash: free(): invalid next size (fast)
  • Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 02:03:05 -0400

FYI, one of the original links I posted was wrong, the correct one is:

But, I am kind of stumped at this point. The simple test case filed on the pyodbc issue was "fixed" by using a CVS version of FreeTDS and ClientCharset=UTF-8. But, I am still getting crashes when running my unit tests for my web application with SQLAlchemy + pyodbc.

The last part of the dump file, before the crash, is:

token.c:554:processing result tokens. marker is ff(DONEINPROC)
token.c:2335:tds_process_end: more_results = 1
was_cancelled = 0
error = 0
done_count_valid = 1
token.c:2366: rows_affected = 1
util.c:156:Changed query state from READING to PENDING
odbc.c:3534:odbc_process_tokens: tds_process_tokens returned 1
odbc.c:3535: result_type=4054, TDS_DONE_COUNT=10, TDS_DONE_ERROR=0
odbc.c:3599:odbc_process_tokens: processed TDS_DONEINPROC_RESULT
odbc.c:3374:_SQLExecute: odbc_process_tokens returned result_type 4054
token.c:539:tds_process_tokens(0x36fffa0, 0x7fff573205ac, 0x7fff573205a8, 0x6914)
util.c:156:Changed query state from PENDING to READING
token.c:554:processing result tokens. marker is 79(RETURNSTATUS)
token.c:554:processing result tokens. marker is ac(PARAM)
token.c:611:processing parameters for sp 13
token.c:613:calling tds_process_param_result
token.c:1243:tds_process_param_result(0x36fffa0, 0x7fff57320528)
token.c:1587:tds_get_data_info(0x36fffa0, 0x3a16b70, 1) [for parameter]
token.c:1650:processing result. type = 38(integer-null), varint_size 1
token.c:1655:processing result. column_size 4
token.c:2045:tds_get_data: type 38, varint size 1
token.c:2106:tds_get_data(): wire column size is 4
log.c:493:type integer-null has value 65
token.c:617:1 hidden return parameters
token.c:554:processing result tokens. marker is fe(DONEPROC)
token.c:2335:tds_process_end: more_results = 0
was_cancelled = 0
error = 0
done_count_valid = 0
token.c:2351:tds_process_end() state set to TDS_IDLE
util.c:156:Changed query state from READING to IDLE
token.c:2366: rows_affected = 0
util.c:104:logic error: cannot change query state from IDLE to PENDING
odbc.c:3534:odbc_process_tokens: tds_process_tokens returned 1
odbc.c:3535: result_type=4053, TDS_DONE_COUNT=0, TDS_DONE_ERROR=0
odbc.c:3578:odbc_process_tokens: processed TDS_DONEPROC_RESULT
token.c:539:tds_process_tokens(0x36fffa0, 0x7fff573205ac, 0x7fff573205a8, 0x26914)
token.c:542:tds_process_tokens() state is COMPLETED
odbc.c:3534:odbc_process_tokens: tds_process_tokens returned 2
odbc.c:3535: result_type=4052, TDS_DONE_COUNT=0, TDS_DONE_ERROR=0
odbc.c:3374:_SQLExecute: odbc_process_tokens returned result_type 4046
odbc.c:3519:SQLExecute returns SQL_SUCCESS
odbc.c:4154:SQLFreeStmt(0x381e960, 3)
odbc.c:4075:_SQLFreeStmt(0x381e960, 3, 0)

Next thing I see on the console is:

free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x00000000038a3d60 ***

I'm just not sure where to go from here. I'm willing to do more work to help figure out where the problem is, just let me know what you would like to see.


Randy Syring
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23)

On 04/07/2011 03:02 PM, Randy Syring wrote:
I went ahead and narrowed down my test case and submitted the report to pyodbc. I suspect FreeTDS is also related, but I could be wrong. I just can't get any lower level than pyodbc to be able to rule that out. A TDS dump and very simple python script to reproduce the problem are attached to the pyodbc issue:

Randy Syring
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23)

On 04/07/2011 11:07 AM, Randy Syring wrote:
My platform:

Ubuntu 10.04
Python 2.6.5
UnixODBC 2.2.11-21
pyodbc 2.1.8
SQLAlchemy 0.6.6

I can run simple tests scripts without a problem. However, I have
experienced some kind of crash doing some unit tests on a Python web

The error appears with both the FreeTDS version that ships with my
distro (0.82-1build6) as well as a CVS version I compiled myself.

Here is the error in context of some SQLAlchemy debugging output:

2011-04-07 10:48:42,514 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
SELECT AS auth_users_id, auth_users.createdts AS
auth_users_createdts, auth_users.updatedts AS auth_users_updatedts,
auth_users.username AS auth_users_username,
auth_users.username_inactive AS auth_users_username_inactive,
auth_users.authsrc_uid AS auth_users_authsrc_uid,
auth_users.alternate_uid AS auth_users_alternate_uid,
auth_users.name_first AS auth_users_name_first,
auth_users.name_middle AS auth_users_name_middle,
auth_users.name_last AS auth_users_name_last, AS
auth_users_phone, AS auth_users_email,
auth_users.inactive_flag AS auth_users_inactive_flag,
auth_users.inactive_date AS auth_users_inactive_date,
auth_users.password_expires AS auth_users_password_expires,
auth_users.wfh_flag AS auth_users_wfh_flag, auth_users.wfh_ca_key AS
auth_users_wfh_ca_key, auth_users.wfh_ext_reason AS
auth_users_wfh_ext_reason, auth_users.wfh_ext_url AS
auth_users_wfh_ext_url, auth_users.wfh_ext_link_text AS
auth_users_wfh_ext_link_text, auth_users.auth_source_id AS
FROM auth_users
2011-04-07 10:48:42,514 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
2011-04-07 10:48:42,527 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
INSERT INTO corporate_sessions (createdts, updatedts, id, hits,
relatedip, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2011-04-07 10:48:42,528 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a350
(datetime.datetime(2011, 4, 7, 10, 48, 42, 527866), None,
u'd2f8bb5f5w7njUnTDy0s', 0, '', 1)
*** glibc detected ***
/home/rsyring/dev/customers/pai/paiauth-venv/bin/python: free():
invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000004029b40 ***
free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000004029b40 ***

I then have to kill the process.

The TDS dumps are here:

I haven't taken the time to try and narrow down the test case because
I am hoping the dumps will be sufficient to track down the problem.
However, if needed, I can try to do that, its just going to be
difficult b/c its buried in test setup.

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