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freetds - [freetds] Kerberos and ODBC

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  • From: Kyle Strickland <KyleStrickland AT>
  • To: FreeTDS AT
  • Subject: [freetds] Kerberos and ODBC
  • Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:06:45 -0500

Hi folks,

A question and a possible answer here:

Question: What is the Right Way to get Kerberos login to work with FreeTDS
and unixODBC? (Note: I did not try setting up a freetds.conf file. I was
hoping to forego that and just use odbc.ini.)

Possible Answer: It's broken. I was unable to get it to work without
modifying src/odbc/connectparams.c. Looks like whatever you do with just
the odbc.ini file, only connection->server_name gets filled in, but
connection->server_host_name is left blank. (See
connectparams.c:odbc_get_dsn_info().) Later, in
src/tds/gssapi.c:tds_gss_get_auth(), connection->server_host_name is used to
create the SPN, but since that is blank, the SPN comes out as
"MSSQLSvc/:1433". From that point, it's clear that auth is going to fail.
So modifying odbc_get_dsn_info to drop the "Server" parameter into
connection->server_host_name instead of connection->server_name, seems to
fix that and everything works (for me anyway).

I am fairly new to using this library and unixODBC, so I'm wondering if I'm
missing something that should be obvious, or if this is a bug. And if it's
a bug, is this the right way to fix it, or is this going to break whatever
the normal usage pattern is supposed to be?

Diff attached.



Kyle Strickland

カイル ストリツケランド


Computer Programmer

IT Department

AW North Carolina
--- orig/freetds-0.82/src/odbc/connectparams.c	2007-07-01 06:10:52.000000000 -0400
+++ freetds-0.82/src/odbc/connectparams.c	2011-02-21 13:51:50.000000000 -0500
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 		tmp[0] = '\0';
 		if (SQLGetPrivateProfileString(DSN, "Server", "", tmp, FILENAME_MAX, "odbc.ini") > 0) {
-			tds_dstr_copy(&connection->server_name, tmp);
+			tds_dstr_copy(&connection->server_host_name, tmp);
 			if (!address_specified) {
 				if (!parse_server(tmp, connection))
 					return 0;

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