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freetds - Re: [freetds] [Bug Report] Missing Winsock initialization in v0.82

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: Frediano Ziglio <freddy77 AT>
  • To: FreeTDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] [Bug Report] Missing Winsock initialization in v0.82
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 09:55:49 +0200

2010/5/18 Damien Churchill <damoxc AT>:
> On 14 May 2010 18:37, Frediano Ziglio <freddy77 AT> wrote:
>> Il giorno gio, 13/05/2010 alle 15.16 -0700, Paul Thurston ha scritto:
>>> Frediano:
>>> Agreed that the Windows distribution is sorely in need of an overhaul.
>>> How about if we just ease to this at first?
>>> Can we just put together, say, a  VC10 solution together that build the
>>> dlls?
>>> Something like getting dblib.lib, libTDS.lib, FreeTDS.lib and FreeTDS.dll
>>> ?
>> FreeTDS.dll as the odbc driver I imagine. Why not a dblib.dll ??
>>> As Damien noticed, the static libs are gigantic, because everything is
>>> being sucked in &  statically linked,
>>> I too prefer the DLLs.
>>> Would it be reasonable to take the old msvc6 project and upgrade it to
>>> msvc10?
>>> If you like, I could work on this.
>> Yes but I would personally prefer a clean project for two reasons
>> - it helps to remove obsolete stuff and defines
>> - it helps to find missing stuff... and defines :)
>> I think all you need to define is HAVE_CONFIG_H and
>> _FREETDS_LIBRARY_SOURCE and include win32 directory before include one.
>> Is possible to have all projects files into a win32/msvc10 (or
>> win32/vs2008) directory ??
> If someone writes up the proper compiling procedure (README.win32 or
> whatever) I will gladly create the required project files.

Sorry for the delay, I finally found some time to write some lines....
You can find a README.Windows in CVS


  • Re: [freetds] [Bug Report] Missing Winsock initialization in v0.82, Frediano Ziglio, 06/19/2010

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