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Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question
- From: Frediano Ziglio <freddy77 AT>
- To: FreeTDS Development Group <freetds AT>
- Subject: Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question
- Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:23:13 +0100
Il giorno sab, 12/12/2009 alle 12.42 -0500, James K. Lowden ha scritto:
> Nelson, Erik - 2 wrote:
> > There's an outstanding todo in login.c to open the log file prior to
> > tds_set_server() where "SYBASE" is being set in to
> > connection->server_name, but it's not at all clear why the server
> > name/IP aren't being set correctly since the server info is clearly
> > being found in freetds.conf.
> ...
> > [Hiruko] found in "/modleng/usr/etc/odbc.ini"
> > found this section:
> > [Hiruko]
> > Driver = FreeTDS
> > Description = DataDirect 5.1 SQL Server Wire Protocol
> > Servername = Hiruko
> > Server = Hiruko
> > Port = 1433
> Server and Servername cannot be in the same section. One overrides the
> other.
> This highlights a more general question, for which I'd like to hear
> suggestions (and/or see a patch!) from anyone who's interested.
> We have two mutually exclusive attributes in our configuration files. In
> odbc.ini we have server/servername; in freetds.conf we have port/instance.
> These inevitably trip up some people, probably a lot more than write to
> the list, who over-specify the sever. What to do?
> One solution is to die noisily with err(3) when invalid combinations are
> found for the requested server. (Also, perhaps warnings writting to
> stderr for any other configuration problems e.g. invalid property names).
> A second way is to document the conflict clearly and have a careful
> override policy. I started working on that, but I'm not satisfied. It
> reminded me of something one of the Bell Labs guys said about writing
> early UNIX man pages: sometimes the documented behavior was so
> embarrassing that it motivated them to fix it.
I would suggest a proper error using correct way (that is no stderr).
> Another solution is to eliminate the "other" name.
> For odbc.ini, we could eliminate "servername". Instead, "server" would
> first be looked up in freetds.conf, if it exists. If nothing is found,
> then "server" would be treated as a DNS name. This is consistent with how
> a servername is treated during a db-lib/ct-lib lookup.
Although this breaks compatibility I'd agree. I see not that difference
between two terms.
> For freetds.conf, we could eliminate "instance" and always use "port". If
> "port" is a number, it's a port; if "port" is a string, it's a named
> instance. Or, always treat "port" as a potential named instance,
> interrogate the server, and revert to a number only if the server refuses
> to reply with a valid port. (I'm tempted to keep "instance" and eliminate
> "port" instead, but I'm held back, perhaps wrongly, by tradition. And I
> wonder whether you can name your instance "80"?)
And what about port is a port specified in /etc/services ?
Personally I would eliminate both and use "compressed" syntax like
"server:port" or "server\instance". This for two reason:
- is already supported by libTDS
- is compatible with ODBC and the way you specify this in DSN
> I tend to favor "die early and often": if the configuration file is
> invalid, complain and stop. But, particularly in web environments (and
> given the way TDSDUMP logging works), it can be hard to diagnose why the
> server connection failed.
If upper layer do not read correctly error is not my problem.
> I *also* think it's better to make mistakes less likely by eliminating
> opportunities.
I think first step is eliminate confusion refusing to even try to
connect if both specified (server/servername and/or port/instance).
> Suggestions?
As a start see attached patch
Index: include/tds.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/freetds/freetds/include/tds.h,v retrieving revision 1.323 diff -U 10 -r1.323 tds.h --- include/tds.h 26 Nov 2009 09:47:41 -0000 1.323 +++ include/tds.h 13 Dec 2009 08:13:56 -0000 @@ -280,21 +280,22 @@ * TDSERRNO is emitted by libtds to the client library's error handler * (which may in turn call the client's error handler). * These match the db-lib msgno, because the same values have the same meaning * in db-lib and ODBC. ct-lib maps them to ct-lib numbers (todo). */ typedef enum { TDSEOK = TDS_SUCCEED, TDSEICONVIU = 2400, TDSEICONVAVAIL = 2401, TDSEICONVO = 2402, TDSEICONVI = 2403, - TDSEICONV2BIG = 2404, + TDSEICONV2BIG = 2404, + TDSEPORTINSTANCE = 2500, TDSESYNC = 20001, TDSEFCON = 20002, TDSETIME = 20003, TDSEREAD = 20004, TDSEWRIT = 20006, TDSESOCK = 20008, TDSECONN = 20009, TDSEMEM = 20010, TDSEINTF = 20012, /* Server name not found in interface file */ TDSEUHST = 20013, /* Unknown host machine name. */ Index: src/tds/config.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/freetds/freetds/src/tds/config.c,v retrieving revision 1.151 diff -U 10 -r1.151 config.c --- src/tds/config.c 26 Nov 2009 09:47:41 -0000 1.151 +++ src/tds/config.c 13 Dec 2009 08:13:56 -0000 @@ -619,24 +619,22 @@ } if (login->suppress_language) { connection->suppress_language = 1; } if (login->bulk_copy) { connection->bulk_copy = 1; } if (login->block_size) { connection->block_size = login->block_size; } - if (login->port) { + if (login->port) connection->port = login->port; - tds_dstr_copy(&connection->instance_name, ""); - } if (login->connect_timeout) connection->connect_timeout = login->connect_timeout; if (login->query_timeout) connection->query_timeout = login->query_timeout; /* copy other info not present in configuration file */ memcpy(connection->capabilities, login->capabilities, TDS_MAX_CAPABILITY); } @@ -1029,25 +1027,21 @@ /* * Make a guess about the port number */ if (connection->port == 0) { /* * Not set in the [global] section of the * configure file, take a guess. */ -#ifdef TDS50 - ip_port = 4000; -#else - ip_port = 1433; -#endif + ip_port = TDS_DEF_PORT; } else { /* * Preserve setting from the [global] section * of the configure file. */ ip_port = connection->port; } if ((env_port = getenv("TDSPORT")) != NULL) { ip_port = tds_lookup_port(env_port); tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_INFO1, "Setting 'ip_port' to %s from $TDSPORT.\n", env_port); @@ -1080,28 +1074,26 @@ const char *pSep; const char *server; /* seek the ':' in login server_name */ server = tds_dstr_cstr(&login->server_name); pSep = strrchr(server, ':'); if (pSep && pSep != server) { /* yes, i found it! */ /* modify connection-> && login->server_name & ->port */ login->port = connection->port = atoi(pSep + 1); - tds_dstr_copy(&connection->instance_name, ""); } else { /* handle instance name */ pSep = strrchr(server, '\\'); if (!pSep || pSep == server) return 0; - login->port = connection->port = 0; tds_dstr_copy(&connection->instance_name, pSep + 1); } tds_dstr_setlen(&login->server_name, pSep - server); if (!tds_dstr_dup(&connection->server_name, &login->server_name)) return 0; return 1; } Index: src/tds/login.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/freetds/freetds/src/tds/login.c,v retrieving revision 1.191 diff -U 10 -r1.191 login.c --- src/tds/login.c 2 Dec 2009 22:58:21 -0000 1.191 +++ src/tds/login.c 13 Dec 2009 08:13:56 -0000 @@ -420,20 +420,25 @@ tdserror(tds->tds_ctx, tds, TDSEUHST, 0 ); tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_ERROR, "IP address pointer is empty\n"); if (!tds_dstr_isempty(&connection->server_name)) { tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_ERROR, "Server %s not found!\n", tds_dstr_cstr(&connection->server_name)); } else { tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_ERROR, "No server specified!\n"); } return TDSECONN; } + if (connection->port && !tds_dstr_isempty(&connection->instance_name)) { + tdserror(tds->tds_ctx, tds, TDSEPORTINSTANCE, 0); + return TDSECONN; + } + if (!IS_TDS50(tds) && !tds_dstr_isempty(&connection->instance_name)) connection->port = tds7_get_instance_port(tds_dstr_cstr(&connection->ip_addr), tds_dstr_cstr(&connection->instance_name)); if (connection->port < 1) { tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_ERROR, "invalid port number\n"); return TDSECONN; } memcpy(tds->capabilities, connection->capabilities, TDS_MAX_CAPABILITY); Index: src/tds/mem.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/freetds/freetds/src/tds/mem.c,v retrieving revision 1.193 diff -U 10 -r1.193 mem.c --- src/tds/mem.c 26 Nov 2009 09:47:41 -0000 1.193 +++ src/tds/mem.c 13 Dec 2009 08:13:57 -0000 @@ -806,21 +806,20 @@ tds_dstr_init(&connection->ip_addr); tds_dstr_init(&connection->database); tds_dstr_init(&connection->dump_file); tds_dstr_init(&connection->client_charset); tds_dstr_init(&connection->instance_name); /* fill in all hardcoded defaults */ if (!tds_dstr_copy(&connection->server_name, TDS_DEF_SERVER)) goto Cleanup; connection->tds_version = TDS_DEFAULT_VERSION; - connection->port = TDS_DEF_PORT; connection->block_size = 0; /* TODO use system default ?? */ if (!tds_dstr_copy(&connection->client_charset, "ISO-8859-1")) goto Cleanup; if (locale) { if (locale->language) if (!tds_dstr_copy(&connection->language, locale->language)) goto Cleanup; if (locale->server_charset) if (!tds_dstr_copy(&connection->server_charset, locale->server_charset)) Index: src/tds/util.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/freetds/freetds/src/tds/util.c,v retrieving revision 1.87 diff -U 10 -r1.87 util.c --- src/tds/util.c 25 Aug 2009 14:25:35 -0000 1.87 +++ src/tds/util.c 13 Dec 2009 08:13:57 -0000 @@ -248,20 +248,21 @@ static const TDS_ERROR_MESSAGE tds_error_messages[] = { { TDSEICONVIU, EXCONVERSION, "Buffer exhausted converting characters from client into server's character set" } , { TDSEICONVAVAIL, EXCONVERSION, "Character set conversion is not available between client character set '%.*s' and " "server character set '%.*s'" } , { TDSEICONVO, EXCONVERSION, "Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could " "not be converted" } , { TDSEICONVI, EXCONVERSION, "Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. " "Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?')" } , { TDSEICONV2BIG, EXCONVERSION, "Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set" } + , { TDSEPORTINSTANCE, EXCOMM, "Both port and instance specified" } , { TDSERPND, EXPROGRAM, "Attempt to initiate a new Adaptive Server operation with results pending" } , { TDSEBTOK, EXCOMM, "Bad token from the server: Datastream processing out of sync" } , { TDSECAP, EXCOMM, "DB-Library capabilities not accepted by the Server" } , { TDSECAPTYP, EXCOMM, "Unexpected capability type in CAPABILITY datastream" } , { TDSECLOS, EXCOMM, "Error in closing network connection" } , { TDSECONN, EXCOMM, "Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist" } , { TDSEEUNR, EXCOMM, "Unsolicited event notification received" } , { TDSEFCON, EXCOMM, "Adaptive Server connection failed" } , { TDSENEG, EXCOMM, "Negotiated login attempt failed" } , { TDSEOOB, EXCOMM, "Error in sending out-of-band data to the server" }
[freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question,
Nelson, Erik - 2, 12/11/2009
- Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question [SOLVED], Nelson, Erik - 2, 12/11/2009
Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question,
James K. Lowden, 12/12/2009
- Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question, Frediano Ziglio, 12/13/2009
- Re: [freetds] Dreaded "Server SYBASE not found!" question, Frediano Ziglio, 12/16/2009
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