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freetds - Re: [freetds] Column Aliasing with MS SQL Server

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  • From: "James K. Lowden" <jklowden AT>
  • To: FreeTDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] Column Aliasing with MS SQL Server
  • Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:44:48 -0400

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Before we could use column aliases for singular column names, for
> instance, a query might be:
> SELECT Descr AS Description FROM SomeTable;
> Before, when calling odbc_fetch_array, we would get associative arrays
> with the key names being "Description". However, now we get them called
> "Descr".
> If I alter the query slightly to be
> SELECT Descr + '' AS Description FROM SomeTable;
> then the key names are actually "Description", as we want.

It really sounds like something local on your client, not in the FreeTDS
or ODBC configuration, because isql works.

I would use TDSDUMP to look at the data coming back from the server. I'm
sure you'll see the string "Description" as UCS-2 in the metadata packet.
Make sure you're using TDS 7.0 or higher.

The other thing to try is DBI_TRACE (Perl, right?). If you set that to
level 3 or 4, I think you'll see the individual ODBC function calls. If
you can discover the name of the function returning "Descr", that might
lead to something to look at more closely.



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