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freetds - [freetds] NTLMv2

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: "ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT" <Frediano.Ziglio AT>
  • To: "FreeTDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: [freetds] NTLMv2
  • Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 16:28:40 +0200

I finally completed and backported NTLMv2 code to 0.82 (see
FreeTDS try
to use the higher security version (NTLMv2 -> NTLM2 -> NTLM -> LM). Currently
it does not
send LMv2 part. There is not additional options. A note: NTLMv2 send an
timestamp so if time is not aligned you will get an authentication error. As
a side
effects now you should be able to login using extra iso8859-1 characters
providing that
client encoding accept them.

A big TODO is to add flags to set a minimun security like windows clients do.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

  • [freetds] NTLMv2, ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT, 08/07/2008

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