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freetds - Re: [freetds] TDS version for MS SQL 2005?

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  • From: "ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT" <Frediano.Ziglio AT>
  • To: "FreeTDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] TDS version for MS SQL 2005?
  • Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:12:14 +0200

> Frediano,
> A few weeks ago, you mentioned that you had done
> some analysis of the TDS9 protocol changes, and hinted
> that you might check in some related changes as a file
> patch. I found the "small changes for tds 9" checkin
> of Aug 24, but nothing since then. Am I looking in
> the right place?
> Thanks.

Yes, tds9 support is very far from stable and complete. There are
currently 3 tests that fails... and many works to do. I updated tds.html
(you can find it at*checkout*/freetds/freetds/doc/
ml). Mainly I'm working using my directory. I just committed the patch
in misc directory
.diff), the patch it's HAS IS...

> The increased row count size in the DONE tokens
> is straightforward as you noted, but I do not
> understand the other changes you mentioned
> (transaction numbers and larger line numbers).
> I do have some network traces showing the altered
> QUERY (msgType=1) messages, but I have not yet been
> able to figure out the new message fields.
> C.

larger number in error message means that if a very long procedure got
an error at line 70000 can return error on line 70000 (mssql2k is
limited to line 65535!)
transaction changes are very complicated and I still didn't fully
understand it. At every query you send transaction id and how many
transaction are you running. So: is db able to manage more than one
transaction at a given time?? How to start a new transaction without
"closing" the old?? I know there is a "default" transaction, I know
there are new messages to tell client which transaction started and
ended (see changes in token.c function tds_process_env_chg).


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