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freetds - Re: CHAR, BINARY and friends with sizes > 255

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  • From: Stefan Bodewig <bodewig AT>
  • To: "TDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: CHAR, BINARY and friends with sizes > 255
  • Date: 07 Apr 2000 08:51:13 +0200

Hi Brian,

thanks for your really helpful response.

>>>>> "BB" == Brian Bruns <camber AT> writes:

BB> This is a feature of TDS 7.0 *only* [...] I'm not quite sure if
BB> freetds_jdbc supports 7.0 or not. (I'm the C lib guy)

If I read the code correctly it explicitly set's the TDS version to
4.2 in's logon method. So I guess it doesn't support 7.0 -

BB> you can issues selects like "select convert(text,largecolumn1)
BB> from atable" that should also work.

Yes, that did the trick and I will apply it to my software as a first
solution (dropping and rebuilding all tables involved would have been
a hassle).

BB> If on the other hand (assuming the jdbc driver has no 7.0
BB> support) you want to add the support, I can give you a quite run
BB> down of the changes used to patch 7.0 into the C libraries (they
BB> are not that bad).

Thanks for the offer. I'm not a developer of freetds_jdbc - at least
not yet - and don't know what Craig is working on right now. But if
Craig doesn't object I would really like to jump in. Let's wait for his
feedback please.


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