dr-fun-changes AT lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: Doctor Fun website changes
List archive
[dr-fun-changes] http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/ has changed.
- From: Jonathan Ah Kit <ahkitj AT greta.electric.gen.nz>
- To: Doctor Fun website changes list <dr-fun-changes AT lists.electric.gen.nz>
- Subject: [dr-fun-changes] http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/ has changed.
- Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 08:01:04 +1300
< October 6, 2003, Ha! You thought there wasn't going to be a
< new logo. Fooled you!
< September 24, 2003, I was going to write some kind of
< thoughtful meditation about Doctor Fun being ten years old,
< and all, but I ran out of time, so maybe tomorrow, or the next
< day, or maybe never.
< September 22, 2003, Everything is back to normal.
> November 18 - There will be a two-week break, from November 24
> through December 5. As usual, I'll have some old crud I
> scanned up for you to look at, but not as much as usual, we're
> all through the zillion cartoons from 1988-1989, and I have to
> ration out the rest. There will also be a two-week break at
> Christmas. And I moved the old news section to a separate page
> in order to speed up the loading of this page.
< Old News September 7, 2003, Doctor Fun is on break until
< September 22, but there's some new scanned cartoons from
< 1988-89 starting here. In fact, this batch finally finishes it
< up for those two years. There's more to come, my drawing style
< changed after 1989, and there aren't as many for any
< particular year leading up to Doctor Fun. But there's enough
< to take a couple more breaks, and there's some other stuff we
< haven't even got to yet. There are a couple cartoons that
< aren't particularly funny anymore, but I left them all in
< since this was more than ten years ago, and not presented as
< something brand new. These cartoons aren't in order that they
< were drawn. The ones with the pencil borders around the edges
< are the earliest ones. You'll notice a trend towards a single
< topic in the last two pages - those were drawn for some
< special project. There is one in there I don't understand at
< all - even a Google search didn't help. David
< September 2, 2003, Best. Sobig. Ever.
< Thanks, Strongbad!
< Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 19:19:14 --0400
< From: strongbad AT homestarrunner.com
< To: d-farley AT metalab.unc.edu
< Subject: Re: Your application
< Parts/Attachments:
< September 1, 2003, Doctor Fun will be on break for two
< (hopefully only two) weeks starting next week.
< August 11, 2003 - All the stuff described below has been done.
< July 24, 2003 - Hi everybody! In about two weeks, which would
< be about August 8, we will be moving things around a little,
< and putting all the Doctor Fun files into the /public/html
< directory tree on ibiblio. The name of the root directory will
< still be "/Dave" in order not to break a gazillion (I wish)
< bookmarks and links, but now the rest of the Doctor Fun files
< will actually hang off the /Dave directory and there will be
< no more wacky recursive symbolic links between the /Dave
< directory and the /ftp directories. Ftp access to Doctor Fun
< on ibiblio will be discontinued. At last look, we were getting
< about 90 ftp transactions per day compared to about 40K http
< transactions in the /Dr-Fun directory. If you are one of those
< 90 transactions, I apologize, and hope you will be able to get
< the file through http. Keep in mind some mirror sites may
< continue to run ftp, and there's nothing wrong with that - it
< just doesn't seem to be the right place for it at ibiblio
< anymore (ftp access at ibiblio is mostly geared to software
< distros and stuff like that). Also, if you are reading the
< pages through the recursive directory /Dave/Dr-Fun/html...,
< that particular "copy" of the html directory will disappear,
< but it was never really there to begin with.
< If you have a mirror site, you will need to use rsync to get
< your daily updates. I don't know that much about this business
< myself, having never had to set up a mirror site (I rely so
< much on the kindness of strangers...), but I'm told it's
< pretty easy to do, and light on the bandwidth and all those
< good things, etc. A sample command for mirroring Doctor Fun
< would be:
< $ rsync -av ibiblio.org::Dr-Fun/ /path/to/local/mirror/dir
< The rsync man page is here.
< I am hopeful that the mirror sites that are updating (some
< seem to be a little sporadic, but I appreciate the thought)
< will continue to mirror using rsync. There might be other ways
< to do it using http, but that is up to you.
< If you are not mirroring Doctor Fun and are simply one of my
< cherished readers, you will not see any change at all.
< Thanks ot Adrianne at ibiblio for helping me with this.
< Adrianne also set up a second area for some of the files on
< the /Dr-Fun tree. I will be moving some of the extraneous
< stuff, like the running pictures to this area so that mirror
< sites don't need to pick these things up if all they want is
< the cartoons. In fact, I might add more silly things that
< don't belong under the /Dr-Fun directory and everybody will be
< a winner.
< July 21, 2003
< * Stay tuned for an announcement about mirroring and Doctor
< Fun file locations. We are either going to move to using
< rsync, and put all the Doctor Fun files in the html branch
< of ibiblio (meaning ftp access goes away), or put the html
< files in the /Dave/Dr-Fun directory so that this hated
< recursive symbolic link that makes people think the files
< aren't updating goes away. If you have an opinion about
< this, let me know. Thanks.
< * Tardy on the logo again.
< * Happy Birthday, Mom!
< July 9, 2003, I've eliminated the bizarro linkage between the
< /html file under /Dr-Fun/html and /Dr-Fun, which maybe used to
< be useful but now causes nothing but problems. If this has
< messed up your mirroring, contact me and I'll, um, do
< something, I'm not sure what.
< July 1, 2003, for no particularly good reason other than to
< have a news item, and because I suppose it keeps me fit to
< draw more cartoons, I've updated the running pictures to
< include two more races, one recent, and one from last summer.
< Not much of an explanation for either of them, except you can
< follow the pictures from start to finish. If you like this
< sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you might like.
< * 2003 Kettle Moraine 100-mile/100K Endurance Runs. I made
< it all the way through the 100-miler.
< * 2002 Iceland Ultramarathon (55K).
< June 16, 2003, haven't forgot the the logo - busy, busy -
< you're still getting the new cartoons.
< June 9, 2003, due to a little scheduling problem, I didn't
< update the cartoon Monday, but there is no break this week.
< New logo soon.
< June 6, 2003, next Monday's cartoon will be updated late,
< probably Monday afternoon my time, but there will be new
< cartoons next week - no break.
< June 2, 2003, my as it turns out not-very-trusty Sony VAIO pen
< tablet computer suddenly crapped out on me due to an expensive
< and proprietary cable that breaks, however this should not
< interrupt production. Back to the old ways...
< May 26, 2003 - we're back we're back we're back! That's a good
< thing, I think. No breaks for awhile.
< May 19, 2003 - (same notice as above) - Since few people saw
< last week's break cartoons before ibiblio started having some
< problems, I'm continuing the break for another week. Normal
< operations will recommence on May 26th. At least there's a new
< logo. Also, many thanks to the ibiblio staff for putting
< everything back together.
< May 12, 2003, Doctor Fun is still on break, but as promised,
< here's some "more stuff", meaning 100 more cartoons from
< 1988-89. How many of them can there possibly be? There are
< still some left, and then there are all the other years
< between then and 1993 when Doctor Fun started. New stuff next
< week. Sorry about the bunny logo - I had a fabulous Mother's
< Day logo planned, but only had time to get the old cartoons
< ready.
< May 5, 2003, Doctor Fun is on break this week. As usual, there
< are some, meaning "100" freshly-scanned old cartoons for you
< to feast your peepers on. The fun starts here. Also, as an
< extra feature, I'm slipping some of these new cartoons in as
< the "latest" Doctor Fun in hopes that people like that better
< than the usual note that I'm on break. This batch of old
< cartoons seems to be a bit better than some of the other
< batches, in my humble opinion, but what do I know. More stuff
< next week.
< April 28, 2003, ok, probably a two-week break starting next
< week, with some new/old stuff each week. I have two trips (not
< related to cartoons) coming up and I'm a little behind
< schedule.
< April 21, 2003,
< * Slashdot me two times baby - slashdot me twice today.
< Well, this past weekend, anyway. What were the chances of
< that. Stories are here and here.
< * And that's not all the excitement. Just like last year but
< maybe not like next year (yeesh), I squeezed out thirty
< more Peeps cartoons, hastily written and sloppily drawn.
< It's Doctor Fun's Peeporama 2003! Also, check out last
< year's Peeporama, and other Doctor Fun peep cartoons from
< the past, including last week, 2002 and this one, 2001 and
< this one, not to mention this one from 2000.
< * Most likely for sure I will be taking a one-week break May
< 5.
< April 14, 2003,
< * It's Peeps Week on Doctor Fun. For those of you listening
< in from other places who don't know what peeps are -
< imagine a small, delicious marshmallow chicken.
< * Curiously, there is an article about Doctor Fun in this
< month's University of Chicago Magazine. And if you typed
< in that link at the end of the article, welcome Chicago
< Alumni! At no extra charge to you here's a special
< expanded list of links to things mentioned in the article:
< + A cartoon about squirrels with the Regenstein Library
< in the background
< + Another cartoon with the entrance of the Regenstein
< Library. This is the old entrance before the lobby
< was rebuilt.
< + The Paul Serano cartoon
< + The Manhattan Project Christmas cartoon
< + Me drawing at the Sony Vaio drawing tablet computer,
< and here's what the screen looks like.
< + My "corner office near the A-level stacks" in the
< Reg. I do have a day job.
< + The first comic on the Internet: Hans Bjordahl's
< "Where the Buffalo Roam"
< + The first home of Doctor Fun: Keith Waclena's
< computer "neuromancer". (Sorry, this is the best
< picture I have.)
< + The Bill Gates cake. This was actually the "screen"
< for a cake that was shaped like a computer monitor. I
< heard he didn't eat any of the cake but he kept the
< screen. (There's more to this than meets the eye;
< this was drawn when Microsoft Windows was still
< Windows 3.x. "Chicago" was the code name for Windows
< 95; the screen is Microsoft's within-Word web browser
< plug-in; the Doctor Fun pose is a reference to an
< Easter egg that was hidden in Windows 3.x.)
< + The book Amy mentioned that I was reading was "The
< Earth Dwellers: Adventures in the Land of Ants", by
< Erich Hoyt.
< * Not only that, but there are some Doctor Fun cartoons on
< display in the John Crerar Library's Science & Humor
< Exhibit.
< April 3, 2003, Jack Leblond, who has maintained a Doctor Fun
< search engine at Net Smart Incorporated, since way back when,
< has asked me to note that he is also maintaining the Support
< Your Troops page.
< April 2, 2003, This cartoon is running in National Review this
< week.
< March 31, 2003 - I did, in fact, forget to update the cartoon
< last Thursday, but everything's fixed now. Thanks to everyone
< keeping score. By amazing coincidence, this week happens to be
< archive page "404" of Doctor Fun.
< March 17, 2003 - back, from a fabulous one-week break! There
< will be more.
< News news! There was an article about ibiblio that mentioned
< Doctor Fun in the News Observer.
< March 10, 2003 - As promised, a one-week break, and, as usual,
< some old scanned cartoons from 1988-89. The new ones start
< here. There may not be as many cartoons from those two years
< as I thought - I've caught some duplicates. You might also
< notice that some in this batch were re-used in early Doctor
< Funs. And, there's a whole bunch about guitars. I might give
< those their own page after the break. I deny knowing how to
< play the guitar or knowing anything about guitars anymore.
< Not sure what the schedule is for the book. Keep sending me
< your favorites. Thanks.
< March 6, 2003 - It seems nobody much liked having the
< thumbnail of the latest cartoon on this page, so I got rid of
< it.
< March 4, 2003 - For sure I am taking a one-week break next
< week. For sure I will have some treat for you in place of new
< cartoons.
< February 27, 2003 - Cock-a-doodle-doo! Today is either the
< 2000th or the 2001st Doctor Fun, if I counted them right. Why
< the confusion? It turns out I repeated myself. Honest mistake.
< Didn't catch it until recently. Never happen again. Right. The
< two culprits are
< [dp19980422.jpg] and [dp20021016.jpg]
< I'm keeping them both, because they are of historic interest.
< Now I can say there are thousands of Doctor Funs online. Why
< not read them all? Why not read them randomly?
< Wait! That's not all. There is even more. Want to know when
< anything updates on the Doctor Fun pages? It's important to
< know this because hardly anybody ever looks at this page
< compared to the gazillions (slight exaggeration) of readers
< who just grab the cartoon. I could be giving free money away
< here and you'd never know. Thanks to Jonathan Ah Kit, you can
< now join the Doctor Fun Website Changes List. Thanks,
< Jonathan!
< February 24, 2003 - stayed tuned for a Doctor Fun milestone
< later this week, but in the meantime, enjoy this old favorite.
< February 17, 2003 - whenever I don't have any real news, I'm
< going to start posting some random page here in order to make
< it look like there's some news. For instance, this week check
< out Doctor Fun's Head Trip. Whoa.
< February 10 - Ever wanted to color in Doctor Fun yourself? Try
< a Doctor Fun Segmation! What's a Segmation? Click on it and
< find out. From ... Segmation!
< February 3, Coming real soon, Doctor Fun Paint-by-Numbers! (As
< soon as I hear back from them - think I'm not allowed to call
< it "Paint-by-Numbers" ... "Color-According-to-Digits"?)
< January 22, Here's a Doctor Fun logo from many years ago.
< January 20
< * In case you didn't notice, there's now an RRS feed for the
< last 15 Doctor Funs, courtesy of Philip Newton. Thanks,
< Philip!
< * I finally finished the Doctor Fun book cover. You can see
< it on the Doctor Fun Book FAQ page. Still looking for your
< favorite Doctor Funs. Mail me. Thanks.
< * Coming real soon, Doctor Fun Paint-by-Numbers! (I think)
< January 6 - back again. No breaks for awhile. The book cover
< will be available for you to peep at soon. Thanks to all of
< you who sent me their votes for favorite Doctor Fun cartoons.
< Looks like we'll be sorting them all out at the end of
< January, so you still have time to e-mail me . More news soon.
< December 29, 2002
< * Still on break, but there is new stuff (see above).
< * A certain P. Wilkins is the only person so far to send me
< any favorite cartoons to consider for the book. And she
< wants this one.
< December 10, 2002 At last, here's some news about the Doctor
< Fun book.
< November 25, 2002 Hello to anybody who stopped by the Plan
< Nine Publishing booth at the Midwest Furfest and picked up
< some cards or stopped to chat. See? There really is going to
< be a Doctor Fun book and this proves it.
< November 10, 2002 I've changed the main Doctor Fun page to put
< all the links back at the top. News on the book to follow, as
< promised. There will likely be a two-week break at
< Thanksgiving due to my driving all over the place. Fortunately
< I have about a zillion more old scanned cartoons to put
< online.
< October 29, 2002 Trick-or-treat! We found another mirror site.
< This time it's Yale Medical School. Yay for Yale! Go Bulldogs!
< Actually it looks like they're mirroring most or all of
< ibiblio and Doctor Fun is just part of this mix.
< Never-the-less, you can get the latest Doctor Fun, or the
< Doctor Fun Page, from gnujake.med.yale.edu.
< October 28, 2002 A slightly less confusing home page and some
< news on the book (yes, there is a book, no, it won't be here
< by Christmas) is coming. I'm posting this here to make me
< actually do it sometime soon.
< September 23, 2002 Thanks to Nicholas Barnard, who runs the
< Doctor Fun mailing list, you can also subscribe to get the
< latest Doctor Fun logo whenever it updates.
< September 16, 2002 - we're back. No breaks until maybe
< Thanksgiving (except for unexpected breaks) - yay!
< Also, new mirror discovered! This one in Austria. They are
< mirroring the cartoons but not the pages, but that's ok. Get
< the latest Doctor Fun or browse the Doctor Fun files at the
< Vienna University of Technology.
< August 13, 2002 Mirror News! I've been told the SUNET mirror
< for Doctor Fun in Sweden is active again, and I've corrected
< the links to the mirror at the Manchester University in Great
< Britain. Thanks to both these places for their continuing
< support.
< May 20, 2002 The Doctor Fun book is still in the works, in
< color, and all that. I should have the cover art ready for you
< to look at soon, which will be at Plan Nine Publishing, but it
< is not ready yet.
< May 3, 2002, Virus warning: My e-mail addresses from ibiblio,
< including old ones that I don't even use anymore, are cropping
< up on this Klez or Exploit-MIME virii that are going around. I
< have nothing to do with these messages, other than someone has
< hijacked my e-mail address as the return. Most likely, the
< people sending them are unaware that their computers are
< infected, so it's bad both ways. I've been receiving these
< things myself, supposedly from me! It is a continual
< aggravation.
< Back to the top
< _________________________________________________________
[dr-fun-changes] http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/ has changed.,
Jonathan Ah Kit, 11/18/2003
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [dr-fun-changes] http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/ has changed., Jonathan Ah Kit, 11/25/2003
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