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cc-uk - Re: [Cc-uk] Emailing: bbc_cr_greenpaper

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  • From: Cory Doctorow <cory AT>
  • To: "Damian Tambini" <damian.tambini AT>
  • Cc: 'zzPaul Gerhardt' <paul.gerhardt AT>, 'Paula Le Dieu' <paula.ledieu AT>, cc-uk AT
  • Subject: Re: [Cc-uk] Emailing: bbc_cr_greenpaper
  • Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:09:48 +0000

"Creative Archive" appears in 8.4

The BBC said in Building Public Va lue that it had no plans to expand its channels or networks. Ye t it also outlined proposals for the development of new ‘ultra­local’ television news services and for a ‘Creative archive’ that would make existing BBC content more widely available on the internet. Both these proposals are likely to be popular with the public, but they also raise potential concer ns about market impact – either for local commercial TV services or for those who may want to buy or sell the rights to internet content. We would like to see further detail on how these proposals would fit into a system of service licences. We agree with the Select Committee that the BBC should balance the interests of rights holders with those of the wider public in developing new proposals for the distribution of archived material. Any proposal should be subjected to a full public value test, including a market impact assessment, to assess whether it is the best use of the BBC’s archive before any decision is taken to approve it.

I feel pretty good about the ability to articulate the public value of a CA and to articulate the value to the commercial sector arising from CA (Paula's "upgrade path").

On Mar 2, 2005, at 3:00 PM, Damian Tambini wrote:

BBC Green Paper out.

Point 8.30 and part of 8.4 section are relevant to Creative Archive, but
this document is much more neutral on the issue than the Select Cttee

I searched the document and the words Creative Archive don't appear.

Parliamentary debate should I hope put it on the agenda.

The question for the BBC Creative Archive is whether the new regulatory
settlement for assessing impact of new services (impact on competition vs
public value of new services) will be sympathetic to CA proposals. In terms
of the present proposals of government there is still some confusion of
roles between the proposed BBC Trust and Ofcom.

Proposed new purposes for the charter (1.17, and the rest of section 1) are
also relevant. There is a lot that the CA will draw upon and build upon on
this list.


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Cc-uk mailing list
Cc-uk AT


Cory Doctorow
European Affairs Coordinator, Electronic Frontier Foundation
cory AT

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