cc-sampling AT
Subject: Development of the Creative Commons Sampling license (or license option)
List archive
- From: "Christopher M. Kelty" <ckelty AT>
- To: cc-sampling AT
- Subject: Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name
- Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 18:50:00 -0500
i was having trouble with your very complicated message so i've
reformatted it for easier reading (fair use!)-- certain
things are emphasized this way... it actually sounds really
compelling if you run it through a speech generator...
try I recommend the Spanish Male
voice... ;)
-- but in all seriousness, I dare say we agree. The sole point
of contention for me is whether the assertion of fair use be in the
technical legal langauge of the license. I think no ( and I am so not a
lawyer, btw)-- and I don't think anyone will notice.
I like Modified Fair Use as a description, but the hard part to get
across is that these licenses are a way of _encouraging_ fair use, not
actually using fairly. All these licenses will do is give art a way
of saying "fair use me!"-- not a way of allowing people less risk or
more rights fair use of other things. that apart, i think i agree
with everything else you say say say...
On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 09:01:47PM -0700, Don Joyce wrote:
>Alice All And But CAN CC CC, DJ Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Glenn's
>Hopefully, I I I I I I I'm I'm I'm I've IS In It Let Let's Modified
>None Paste." So Somehow, Term That's The The The The The There These
>Use Use Use" Use" We Where Wonderland.) a a a a a a a a a a a a
>concept, about about about about. accommodate accompanying across,
>actual actually actually actually admit advice; advise advisor
>advocates. advocates. after against agenda. ago all all all all all
>already already also an an an an and and and and and and and and and
>and and and and and any application, applies, apply appreciated,
>appreciated. appropriating are are are are are are are are are are art
>art art!) art, art. artistic artists. as as as as as as as aspect
>averse avoidance aware awareness. backwards backwards backwards*
>backwards: basic be be be become becoming been being bound brand but
>but but but by by by by by by call call called can carries case
>challenges ck, claims clear, clear. coming commercial common commonly
>compared complain, complete concept concept concept concept concept
>concept concept) concept, concept, concept,
>concept. concerned. confines constitutional coop cop copyright
>copyright core corn cover creative creativity, cultural dangerous
>decisive declare definition definition. degrees describe discount
>dissing dissing do do do. does does domination don't don't dropped
>effect embarrassed emergence emerging emphasize encompass enough even
>even eventually everything excellent existence. existing exists,
>expand expanding, explanations extremely fair fair fair fair fair fair
>fair fair fair fair fair familiar familiar far feds flakes, flew
>flying for for for for for for for for for for form forms frankly,
>free from from fulfill future g get good good) good. group grow
>guidance happen, has has has have have having here's here...) hope
>hope hypnotized idea if if ignore impart imparting imperative
>imperative, implication. in in in in in in. inadequacy inadequate
>inadequate including inhibited into invent is is is is is is is is is
>is it it it it it it it it it it it's it's it's it's it's it's it) it)
>it. itself. jumble just just just kids, kinda kinds label labeling
>last law law law law law law law law" law's law, lawyers leave legal
>legal legal legally let license license license license license's
>license, like like like little little little little lots making many
>many many material matter me me, might mind, mistaken
>modifications. most most, most. my my my negligible neither nest new
>new new new no no no no-fair-use nor not not not not not not not
>not. now now now objection of of of of of of of of of of of of of of
>of of of of of of of of of of of offense, offense.** ones or or other
>other other over over over over-arching own paragraph, parameter
>parameters payment payment, payment. people people permission
>permission permission, personal pin place, possible possible possible
>practical practical practiced preceded precedents present presently
>prick. private problems profession; prohibited project) publicity
>rather re-use re-use re-use re-use reaffirm reasons, recognized
>redefining reduced relatively relevant remain represents. require
>responsible restrictions resulting sentence, shall side sidestepping
>simple, sliver sliver sliver sliver so so, some sort specific spread
>still stuck subsequently such such supremely tend term term term term
>term term, terms terms than that that that that that that's
>that. that.) the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
>the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
>the the the the the then then they they they things think think think
>think think think this this this this this this this this this this
>this this though. through time title, title. to to to to to to to to
>to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to too too. totally
>trial!" trying unaffiliated understood understood unfamiliar
>unintended universally unrecognizable up up upfront us use use use use
>use use use use use use use! use" use) use, use, used useful using
>very vote want want want way way we we we well what what what what
>what what when where which wider will with within without words words
>words works would years you you you you your "Cut" "First" "Modified"
>"Modified" "common" "fair" "problem" "rights" (I (Lawyers (The (as
>(fair (newly (no (sample (the (very **This *Thinking
Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name,
mark / negativland, 10/01/2003
- Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name, Don Joyce, 10/02/2003
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name,
Don Joyce, 10/02/2003
- Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name, mark / negativland, 10/02/2003
- Re: [cc-sampling] Yet more name, Christopher M. Kelty, 10/02/2003
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