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Subject: discussion of the Creative Commons Metadata work
List archive
- From: bkhl AT (Björn Lindström)
- To: cc-metadata AT, cc-community AT
- Cc:
- Subject: A CC corpus
- Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:29:36 +0100
my name is Björn Lindström, and I'm a student of computational
linguistics in Uppsala, Sweden. Currently I'm taking a course in corpus
linguistics ( Within
that course I plan to execute a project based on RDF tagged on-line
CC-licensed material.
A current problem for corpus linguistics has to do with licensing of
texts. Suppose you've created a corpus from, say, a newspaper archive
(which is pretty common), and annotated it. For others to be able to be
advantage of your work, you're dependent on the permission of that
So, my idea is to make a system that automatically collects a corpus of
CC-licensed material from the web.
As a consequence, I have some questions for you:
Would it be possible to get access to the index you're using for I'll need to be able to pick URI:s
from there at random. I could of course use a general purpose search
engine, but that would be too likely to skew my results in ways I will
be unable to control.
Also, I'm wondering if you've found that the deployment of the RDF
tagging system is deployed by a large percentage of people making
CC-licensed material available. That tagging will be invaluable to me,
since my program will have to be able to determine if a certain page is
under a license that makes it possible to include it in a corpus that
will be annotated and redistributed.
The results of my work is meant to be part of a collection of free tools
for corpus linguistic research that my department has the ambition of
putting together, and will be available under the GPL and/or CC, as
appropriate. I'm guessing this project might also be of interest to the
Science Commons project.
Thanks in advance for any help I can get.
PS. I'm sorry for the cross-posting. I wasn't entirely sure which list
would be appropriate, and I'm in a bit of a hurry to get some answers
(in particular about access to the search index), as I'll need to decide
if it will be possible to do this thing as part of the previously
mentioned course by Wednesday.
Björn Lindström <bkhl AT>
Student of computational linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden
- A CC corpus, Björn Lindström, 02/27/2005
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