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Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments
- From: Teresa Nobre <teresaraposonobre AT>
- To: Timothy Vollmer <tvol AT>
- Cc: "cc-europe AT" <cc-europe AT>
- Subject: Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments
- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 17:43:49 +0000
I've inserted some comments and proposed some answers on l&e for teaching purposes. please review it.
2014-03-04 15:05 GMT+00:00 Timothy Vollmer <tvol AT>:
John, thank you so much for rounding up these answers and for coordinating a response from CC Europe.timothyOn Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 9:00 AM, John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT> wrote:
Hi all,you might remember the EU Consultation on copyright reform that had been due beginning of February and was extended to 5th of March, i.e. tomorrow.Some of you have contributed to build a set of our very own CC Europe answers to those 80 questions, and out of this and answers from f.e. Communia we (i.e. Timothy Vollmer and I) have made a remix which covers at least large parts of the whole questionnaire.You can read and comment here:I want to send it to the Commission in time for the deadline tomorrow, so take some minutes and browse throught the response. As I understood the consultation rules, all responses will be published at some point by the Commission.BestJohn_______________________________________________
CC-Europe mailing list
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CC-Europe mailing list
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[CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
John Weitzmann, 03/04/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments, Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, 03/04/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
Timothy Vollmer, 03/04/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
Teresa Nobre, 03/04/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
Timothy Vollmer, 03/05/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments, Timothy Vollmer, 03/06/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
Timothy Vollmer, 03/05/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] EU Consultation Response ready for final comments,
Teresa Nobre, 03/04/2014
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