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cc-br - [cc-br] Libraries fear digital lockdown

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  • From: "Omar Kaminski" <kaminski AT>
  • To: "cc-br" <cc-br AT>
  • Subject: [cc-br] Libraries fear digital lockdown
  • Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 03:00:47 -0200

Libraries fear digital lockdown

By Ian Youngs
Friday, 3 February 2006, 09:57 GMT

Libraries have warned that the rise of digital publishing may make it harder or even impossible to access items in their collections in the future.

Many publishers put restrictions on how digital books and journals can be used.

Such digital rights management (DRM) controls may block some legitimate uses, the British Library has said.

And there are fears that restricted works may not be safe for future generations if people can no longer unlock them when technology evolves. (...)

  • [cc-br] Libraries fear digital lockdown, Omar Kaminski, 02/04/2006

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