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[ccAustralia] creative commons roadshow 2010 - coming to a city near you
- From: elliott bledsoe <elliott AT>
- To: cc-au AT
- Subject: [ccAustralia] creative commons roadshow 2010 - coming to a city near you
- Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 10:58:05 +1000

hello ccAu listers
please allow me to officially invite you all to attend the next ccAustralia national conference. this year we are taking a different approach. rather than hosting the conference in one city, making it difficult for eveyone who is interested in cc in australia to get to, we've decided to come to you! throughout september we will be hosting a series of one-day mini-conferences in adelaide, brisbane, hobart, melbourne, perth and sydney.
you can find out more about the events on our new-look website (check it out if you haven't already), including the preliminary template for the program and a registration form. each city will have a customised program with local licence users and ccAustralia staff. so if you’re interested in finding out about cc for the first time, looking for an update on recent developments and the australian version 3.0 licences, or wanting to know how cc is being used by people in your local area, register now! we’ll see you soon!

07 3138 9597
A project of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation's Law for Creative Innovation research program in conjunction with the QUT Faculty of Law's Intellectual Property: Knowledge, Culture and Economy research program.
- [ccAustralia] creative commons roadshow 2010 - coming to a city near you, elliott bledsoe, 08/12/2010
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