I issue your space with a license so that you don't have to pay a
fee to AKM. All my contracts that deal with my rights are
non-exclusive, so the license i issue your space with is valid and
would stand in any court of law (if need be, and i would defend that
license always), the license includes a link to the content that i
perform in your space... view the license on the postcard here...
http://flickr.com/photos/jamtea/2912038406/ .
If AKM issued your space with a fee for the use of the songs i
wrote, AKM would be braking the law. I reserve the right to defend all
licenses that i issue your space with in a court of law, in other words, if you used
this license and AKM imposed a fee on you and you paid that fee, I
would be in a position to take you to a court of law. Its a ridiculous
system, so it takes ridiculous measures to ensure that music can be
free. You are free to pay AKM for the use of my live music
performance, yet none of the money that you paid for the use of the
songs would be paid to me anyway, as i refuse to submit live
performance returns, as it only makes the situation worse. So if you
pay a fee to AKM for the use of the songs i created, then you would be
giving money that would go to the larger publishers and artists that
control AKM. Its interesting to note the way that the board of most rights organizations is
elected, it goes something like this. The more that the artist or
publisher collects the more power that that artist or publisher has
within that rights organization. The publishers in turn regulate the venues and spaces for
maximum exploitation of published content. Publishing networks have
been set up with the specific intention of excluding the self published
works of the people. AKM must be dismantled and regulated by the self
publishing artists that have been oppressed through its monopoly status
over the past 100 years. Power to the people, the tables must be tunred.