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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Daniel 9:21?27 (George Athas)

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  • From: "Rev. Bryant J. Williams III" <bjwvmw AT>
  • To: "George Athas" <George.Athas AT>, "B-Hebrew" <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Daniel 9:21?27 (George Athas)
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 09:24:01 -0700

Dear George,
Let's look at the entire chapter.
9:1-2,         Timetable of Scriptural Search.
                   Darius, Son of Xerxes (a Median), 1st yr of reign.
                   70 yrs Exile, Jer. 25:11-12; 29:10.
9:3-19,       Prayer of Confession and Contrition for the Sins of the nation of Israel (see verses 7, 11) and Jerusalem (see verses 7, 16 (2x)).
9:20-23,     Visitation of Gabriel.
9:24-27,     The Interpretation Given to Daniel.
                   9:24,    The Decree 70 Weeks of Sevens for the People (Israel and Judah) and Jerusalem.
                               To Finish the Transgression,
                               To Put an End to Sin,
                               To Atone for Wickedness,
                               To Bring in Everlasting Righteousness,
                               To Seal Up Vision and Prophecy,
                               To Anoint the Most Holy (One, or Place).
                    (NOTE: Notice the parallelism in the 24b and 24c with the infinitives).
                    9:25,   The Command/Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One.
                               7 Sevens (49 years),
                               62 Sevens (434 years),
                               Rebuilt with Streets and Trench (Gutters).
                    9:26,   Cutting Off of Anointed One (Messiah),
                               After the 62 Sevens (after the total of 69 weeks),
                           Destruction of the City AND Sanctuary by the People of the Ruler Who Will Come.
                               The End will come like a Flood.
                               War will continue to the End,
                               Desolations have been decreed.
                    9:27,   The Ruler (vs. 26) Will Confirm A Covenant
                                   For 1 Week (7 years)
                                   With Many
                               The Ruler (vs. 26) in the Middle of the Week (3.5 years; 42 months)
                                   Will Put an End to Sacrifice and Offerings Cease
                                   Will Cause to Place An "Abomination" in the Temple
                                   The End is Decreed for Him (the Ruler) is consummated.
There are distinctions made between the Anointed One and the Ruler in verses 25-27. First, the Anointed One, Messiah, is put to death (cut-off) after the 7 Weeks of Seven from vers 25 and the 62 Weeks of Seven. Second, the Ruler is clearly different from the Anointed One, Messiah, as he is one who will destroy the City AND the Sanctuary; he will make a covenant with many, then break that covenant after 1/2 of a Week of Seven, 3.5 years (42 months); and place an Abomination in the Temple until he is put to an end. There is also the constant refrain to "The End." It is mentioned 3 times between 24-27.
Regarding the "Abomination of Desolation." We do know from I Maccabees that Antiochus Epiphanes did place an "Abomination" in the Temple, but he did not destroy the city. Secondly, Titus in 70 AD did destroy the city and sanctuary, but did not make a covenant with many.
Regarding the issue of verse 25 and the decree to restore and rebuild Jersusalem. First, the decree to return was issued in 539 BC by Cyrus, II Chron. 36: 22-23, Ezra 1:1-4, and carried out by Zerubbabel in 536-535 BC, thus the end of the physical 70 years of Exile as decreed by the LORD in Jeremiah 25:11-12 and 29:10. Second, the Temple foundation was laid, but the Temple was NOT completed until 516 BC, thus the end of the spiritual exile. Third, Ezra led second return in 457 BC. Fourth, Nehemiah led a third return in 445-44 BC.
What has not been mentioned is dating of the 69 Weeks of Seven (483 years). Non-dispensationalists will have varying opinions. Dispensationalists will follow the Decree given by Artaxerxes 1, for whom Nehemiah was a cupbearer, in 445 BC. What is not mentioned is that the years mentioned as part of the 70 Weeks of Sevens are "lunar" years not "solar" as far as we know. This will also affect the timing of the death of the Anointed One, Messiah at the end of the 69th Week of Sevens. Thus, this will place the death of Messiah sometime between 27-33 AD. Most will place this around 33 AD; although earlier is certainly possible. Finally, the 70th Week of Sevens is clearly set apart from the rest of the 69 Weeks of Seven.
Finally, the dating and authorship of the Book of Daniel will definitely affect the interpretation of this passage since one will determine if it was written by Daniel or not. In other words primarily  between Daniel ca. 535 BC or by some one else around 165 BC.
It should be pointed out that at this point we are dealing with systems of hermeneutics. I WILL NOT DISCUSS THAT HERE unless privately, because of list guidelines.
En Xristwi,
Rev. Bryant J. Williams III

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