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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] sere versus segol

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  • From: Pere Porta <pporta7 AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] sere versus segol
  • Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 16:23:46 +0200

B-hebrew listers,

I remark that pattern consisting of three root letters + H so that the first
root letter has sere, the second has shewa and the third has qamats is that
of the Pi'el Past, third person singular feminine, of some verbs, as in

Lm 1:17 ------- P"R&FH, she spread out
Ex 23:28 ----- WG"R$FH, (and) she drove out

while the same thing with only the difference of segol in the place of
sere... these are feminine nouns having consonant het for their first root
consonant, as in

Gn 34:14 -------- XERPFH, reproach
Hos 13:15 ------ XEMDFH, desire

My question is: are there in biblical Hebrew any NOUNS fitting the pattern
of the Piel form shown in the first part of this post (namely sere in the
first root consonant)?

I think there is none....... but maybe I'm missing some.

Pere Porta
(Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

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Pere Porta

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